About My Logos3 Home Page


我的Logos3主页 / 我的Logo3s主頁

The Summer Flowers (2009), by Tadahiko Mikami


In English



  To understand each other and live together better, through the study of languages


In Japanese





In Chinese






Dec. 1995 - Kicked off “The Languages of the World by Computer & the Internet” with the pages about English, German, Japanese and Russian languages, writing HTML in OS/2 Personal Editor. Relied on my friend to upload for a while because I did not understand how to use FTP software. About this time, published three books in Japanese on how to process foreign languages on computer (see below).

1996 - 1998 - Interested in Nagano Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture and My Credo

Jan. 1997 - Moved to Nagano Prefecture and completed “Issa’s Haiku Home Page”, which is linked by many other haiku home pages. About this time, added the pages about Hebrew, Chinese, French, Greek, Indonesian/Malaysian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, for a total of eleven languages.

Oct. 1997 - The site was moved to 3Web (its remains). Created “FAQ Nagano”, “Nagano Winter Olympics MPC” and other pages.

Aug. 2001 - Moved to China, and started “My China Home Page

July 2002-July 2011 - “Corporate Life in China”, “Climbing China’s Mountains” and “Here and There in Greater Dalian

July 2007 - The site was moved to www.abt.com/logos/.

April 2008 - Goro Ushijima’s DCC uploaded

Oct. 2008 - Aug. 2011 – Printed six copies of “The First Snow over Mt. Iizuna”, based on the contents this home page, and circulated them to my friends. In addition to Japanese and English text using WordPad and HTML, started to add Simplified Chinese text using Word. About this time, began changing the strategy of this home page from “Write About Various Languages” to “Write in Various Languages”.

Oct. 2012 - The old index page was changed to the new index page. “My Movies Experience” was created in Chinese and Japanese.

Feb. 2013 - Published my fourth book “Spring in Dalian” (Koyo Press)

Oct. 2013 - My travelogues were integrated into “Here and There in the World”. Made “Multilingual Library”.

April 2014 - Moved to the new site www.logos3.net, using my own domain name, and a backup at www43.tok2.com/home/logos3/

May - July 2015 - Moved back from China to Japan and started “My Anthology”; and then to Hawaii, USA, and began “My Hawaii Home Page”. Started to add Traditional Chinese text.

Dec. 2015 – The 20th Anniversary of Logos Home Page

Dec. 2015 – March 2016: Displayed the following message on the index page:

Now Celebrating Four Occasions: / 祝4項目: / 庆祝四个项目:/ 慶祝四個項目

1.      The 20th Anniversary of This Logos Home Page, Begun in 1995

2.      My Contribution to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Exceeded 800 Articles and 200 Photos, Respectively.

3.      The Comments to My BookSpring in Dalian” Exceeded 250.

4.     Concluding My China Home Page and Starting My Hawaii H.P.

Dec. 2015 – The 25th Anniversary of Logos Home Page.

Mar. 2022 – Logos3 Home Page was moved from logos3.net to www43.tok2.com/home/logos3/



199512OS/2 Personal Editorを使って世界の言葉をコンピューターとインターネットで」の英語ドイツ語日本語ロシア語に関するページをHTMLで書き、スタート。FTPソフトの使い方が分からず、しばらく友人にアップロードしてもらう。この頃外国語処理に関する3冊の本(下記)を出版

19961998 長野県山形県私の信条に興味を持った




20027月〜20117 - 中国の会社で働く」、「中国の山へ登る」、大連広域市あれやこれや」などを作成

200707サイトをwww.abt247.com/logos/ へ引っ越し

20084牛島五郎のDCCを掲載。中国語に慣れるに従い、これまでの日本語・英語WordPadHTMLを書くのに加えて、簡体字中国語MS Wordで追加し始めた。



201302 - ホームページの内容とその他で、英中日3か国語の本『大連の春』(光陽出版社)を出版(注1


201404サイトを自分のドメイン名www.logos3.net へ引っ越し、バックアップをwww43.tok2.com/home/logos3/へ(注2

201505月〜07 - 中国から日本へ引き上げ「私の作品集」をまとめ始め、続いて米国ハワイへ引っ越しに伴い「私のハワイ・ホームページ」を開始。『大連の春』増補版に繁体字も入れる準備を始め、このホームページにも繁体字中国語ページも追加し始めた。

201512Logos Home Page20周年


202112Logos Home Page25周年

20223月末ドメイン名称Logos3.netは使用を中止して、これまでバックアップに使っていた無料のサーバーwww43.tok2.com のみのホームページLogos3 Home Pageと改名した。

20245月末上記が1月以来閉鎖されていたので、Google DriveLogos3を作って、公開した。





网站的历史 /網站的歷史

199512开始 /開始

















20018 我的中国网站開始
































201512 Logos网站二十周年我的夏威夷网站开始了




What Had Led to Logos3 Home Page

1985-1990 – I was a CompuServe user

1987-1997 – NIFTY-Serve user: participated mainly in Foreign Languages & China Forums

1989- 1996 – SysOp of “Big Blue Sky & Sea BBS” in Fujisawa, Japan, and Taipei, Taiwan

1991-1993 – Asian BBS Sysops’ Conference

1993-1997 – Co-authored three books “Computer University of Foreign languages”, “Guide to Foreign Langauges Processing Products”, and “Multilingual Web Guide”, all in Japanese

June, 2006 – Mixi user (Diary mainly)

Dec., 2009 – Facebook user

July, 2015 – WeChat user

August, 2021 – WhatsApp user





1987年〜1997 – NIFTY-Serveユーザー、おもに外国語フォーラムとチャイナ・フォーラム

1989年〜1996パソコン通信ホスト「Big Blue Sky & Sea BBS 」を自宅(日本藤沢市&台湾台北市)で運営



20066月〜 Mixi(おもに日記)のユーザー

200912月〜 Facebookのユーザー

20157月〜 WeChat(微信)のユーザー

20218月〜 WhatsAppのユーザー



Many thanks to my friends whose photos and pictures have been used with permission:

-        Shuichi Fujita

-        Kyoji Okamoto and Meguro Illustration Club

-        Tadahiko Mikami

-        Kazuo Sato (Original Pictures in water color)

-        Masayoshi Toyoshima (Japanese paintings)




- 藤田秀一さん

- 岡本享二さんと目黒イラストクラブ

- 三上忠彦さん

- 佐藤和夫さん(水彩原画ブログ

- 豊嶋正誼さん(日本画集



-        藤田秀一

-        本享二

-        三上忠彥

-        佐藤和夫(水彩原画)

-        豐島正誼胶彩画集

Introducing the Author

  Introducing the Author (*.pdf)

  In Wikipedia

  In Wikimedia

  In Amazon.jp



著者紹介1 - Local

著者紹介2 - Local

著者紹介3 - Local




介绍著者1 - Local

介绍著者2 - Local

介绍著者3 - Local

介绍著者4 - Local

介绍著者5 - Local

介绍著者6 - Local




Return to  Logos3 Home Page


This page, moved from http://www.logos3.net/about/index.html, with its backup at http://www43.tok2.com/home/logos3/about/index.html, is written in HTML 3.2. Its contents have been prepared by Yoshi Mikami. Please send your comments to Yoshi Mikami. Created on March 17, 2011. Last update on May 29, 2024.