Issa's Haiku Home Page

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"A Horse in Its Native Village"
by Kyoji Okamoto, Meguro Illustration Club (1995)

Issa's Haiku

"Harukaze ya, ushi ni hikarete, zenkooji."
The warm spring wind and my cow led me to pay a visit to Zenkoji Temple.

"Waga hoshi wa doko ni tabine ya ama-no-gawa."
In the Summer Evening, Where is My Star Hidden in the Milky Way?

"Shizukasa ya kosui no soko no kumo no mine."
Quiteness---it is the summit of the clouds that can be seen at the bottom of the lake.

"Semi nakuya ten ni hittsuku chikuma-gawa."
On a Summer Day, with Cicadas Chirping, the Chikuma River Looks as Though It Flows Up to Heaven.

"Yare utsuna hae ga te o suru ashi o suru."
Look, don't kill that fly! It is making a prayer to you by rubbing its hands and feet.

"Ano tsuki o totte kureyo to naku ko kana."
The fall moon and a child crying to get it.

"Kore ga maa tsuino sumika ka yuki goshaku."
This is my final dwelling, buried now in five-foot snow.

"Omou hito no soba ni warikomu kotatsu kana."
Trying to sit right next to the person you love, at the warm fireplace.

Issa's Residence (actually the warehouse where he lived after the town fire, a year before his death)

Attention to All:
I am testing three methods of displaying haiku in this Web, as shown below. Which method would you recommend? Will you kindly respond?

Method 1: Using PREformat (A little complex for the Web creator)

      Kinu-ginu ya          Till your clothes can barely 
        Kasumu made miru      be seen in the distance, my love, 
          Imo ga ie.            I keep looking back at your house.

Method 2: Using TABLE (Relatively easy for the Web creator)

Kinu-ginu ya
kasumu made miru
imo ga ie.
Till your clothes can barely be
seen in the distance, my love,
I keep looking back at your house.

Method 3: Using CENTER (Very easy for the Web creator)

Kinu-ginu ya kasumu made miru imo ga ie
Till your clothes can barely be seen in the distance, my love, I keep looking back at your house.

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En francais:

Bienvenue aux visiteurs des Jeux Olympiques de Nagano dans la tradition de Issa

Voir aussi: Le Saijiki en francais
Je me presente… (2010)

The Start of the Japanese Part



岡本享二 (目黒イラスト・クラブ、1995)


"Harukaze ya, ushi ni hikarete, zenkooji."
The warm spring wind and my cow led me to pay a visit to Zenkoji Temple.

"Waga hoshi wa doko ni tabine ya ama-no-gawa."
In the Summer Evening, Where is My Star Hidden in the Milky Way?

"Shizukasa ya kosui no soko no kumo no mine."
Quiteness---it is the summit of the clouds that can be seen at the bottom of the lake.

"Semi nakuya ten ni hittsuku chikuma-gawa."
On a Summer Day, with Cicadas Chirping, the Chikuma River Looks as Though It Flows Up to Heaven.

"Yare utsuna hae ga te o suru ashi o suru."
Look, don't kill that fly! It is making a prayer to you by rubbing its hands and feet.

"Ano tsuki o totte kureyo to naku ko kana."
The fall moon and a child crying to get it.

"Kore ga maa tsuino sumika ka yuki goshaku."
This is my final dwelling, buried now in five-foot snow.

"Omou hito no soba ni warikomu kotatsu kana."
Trying to sit right next to the person you love, at the warm fireplace.



方法1: PREformatを使って表示(Webクリエーターには多少面倒な方法)

      きぬぎぬや        Kinu-ginu ya          Till your clothes can barely 
        かすむまで見る    Kasumu made miru      be seen in the distance, my love, 
          妹が家            Imo ga ie.            I keep looking back at your house.

方法2: TABLEを使って表示(Webクリエーターには比較的楽な方法)

Kinu-ginu ya
kasumu made miru
imo ga ie.
Till your clothes can barely be
seen in the distance, my love,
I keep looking back at your house.

方法3: CENTERを使って表示(Webクリエータ−には非常に楽な方法)

Kinu-ginu ya kasumu made miru imo ga ie.
I keep looking back at your house, my love, till your clothes can barely be seen in the distance.


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Issa's Haiku Home Page, residing at, is designed in HTML 3.2. Its contents have been prepared by Yoshi Mikami (三上吉彦 in Japanese). Please send your comments to me at Created: July 28, 1996, and update: Sept. 1, 1996. Major update: Oct. 24, 1997. Last update: May 24, 2012. (Very minor update: April 18, 2020.)