Issa Kobayashi

Issa Kobayashi, a haiku poet, whose child name was Yataro and registered name was Nobuyuki, was born in Kashiwabara, Shinano, in 1763, and died there in 1827. Kashiwabara is now part of Shinano-machi (Shinano Town), Nagano Prefecture.

Issa by Mokuzan Murase (left) and Issa by Shumpo Muramatsu (right)
Photos taken at the Issa Memorial Hall

At the age of 13, Issa went to Edo, present-day Tokyo, to work and, about the age of 25, started to write haiku, having learned it from Genmu and Chiku-a, and had Seibi Natsume as his patron. After visiting and living at various places, including Kyoto, Osaka, Nagasaki, Matsuyama and other Western cities, Issa returned to his home in Kashiwabara at the age of 51 and was the leader of the haiku world in northern Shinano, till he died at the age of 65. Published: "The Diary at My Father's Death" (1801) and "My Springtime" (1819).

Issa is said to be famous for having composed subjective and individualistic haiku, based on his unhappy family situations, often using the local dialects and words of the daily conversations.

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The Issa Kobayashi Page is designed in HTML 3.2. Its contents have been prepared by Yoshi Mikami (三上吉彦 in Japanese). Created: Aug. 31, 1996. Last update: Sept. 14, 1996.