

Go down to the English part.




Working in Companies in China 1

A Study Trip to Beijing (at the top of Xian Shan)

Go up to the Japanese part.

I now work in a company in China. I want to describe below how it goes in China, treating it carefully so it does not violate my contract to keep my company's information confidential.

Job Application and Interview

Buying a Cell Phone

The First Day at Work

Looking for an Apartment, Moving and Looking at Foreign TV Stations

Commuting, Late Arrival and Salary Payment

Daily Work and Among the Departments

The e-mail system is used by the employees for our business, but sometime for just communication to enhance our comradeship. For the latter purpose, I wrote a poem which was later put in our Groups monthly newspaper:
Let's Go Climb the Mountain, to a Higher Place At Ox's Horns Mountain, Dalian, China In Early Winter, 2002 By Yoshi Mikami

Let's go climb the mountain, to a higher place, There, we will see the Yellow Sea, mountains and valleys. Though the wind blows cold, the sea reflects the sunshine, Glowing in warm colors.

Let's go climb the mountain, to a quieter place. Closing our eyes, we think beyond the mountains about the town and its port. It has a history of wars and colonies, But now it is the Pearl of the North.

Let's go down the mountain, to the valleys. There, we will build an IT town. Employing our newly-acquired knowledge and hard work, We will develop a testimony of peace and friendship of our new century.

Link to its Chinese translation

It was later modified and added with music, and made a hymn: "We Have Climbed the Mountain, to a Higher Place."

Lunch Time

How Do We Address Each Other?

Practical Chinese, Japanese and English

Employees' Outings

To My China Home Page
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Prepared by Yoshi MIKAMI on August 14, 2002. Last update: Nov. 21, 2013 / March 11, 2018.