China - 中国

The Contents

I have been to 4 direct-controlled municipalities, 15 provinces, 2 autonomous regions and one special administrative region, among China's 34 political subdivisions, as follows.



My China Home Page


Northeast China Eastern China Northern China
       Visiting Beijing on Business
       Visiting Tianjin on Business
       Visiting Qingdao
       Qufu, Mt. Tai and Zhinan
Central China
       Wuhan on Business; Jingzhou and Wuhan
       Changsha and Zhangjiajie
       Taiyuan, Wutaishan, Datong and Yungang
       Chongqing-Three Gorges-Jingzhou-Wuhan
Southern China
    Yunnan (2002 & 2007)
    Hainan (2006)
Western China
       Visiting Xi'an Four Times
    Sichuan Province: Chendu, Jiuzhaigou, Honglong, Emeishan and Leshan
    Qinghai & Tibet
    Xinjiang 2013

Hong Kong

    Stopping in Hong Kong on the Way to Australia in 1989
中国東北部 中国東部 中国北部 中国中部 中国南部 中国西部



    Living in Taiwan 1990-91
    The Asian BBS Conferences 1990 & 1992
    Visiting Amateur Astronomers 1993
    The Starry Night Skies in Taiwan 1992

    Touring Around the Island of Taiwan

    I took a one-week vacation in November 1990, while I worked in Taipei, and, with my three other family members, drove my Honda Civic to tour around the island of Taiwan. We first moved east toward Keelung, but skipped it because I had been there before, and then headed southeast to Yilan where we stayed one night. We then went down south on the cliff of the eastern coast of the island to Hwalien where we saw the songs and dances of one of Taiwan’s local peoples, called the Ami people, and stayed another night there. There was a plum tree garden where the plum flowers were already in full bloom in November. The “plum flower front” starts here every year in November and passes through the islands of Okinawa, Japan, in January, reaching the famous plum flower gardens of Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, near my house, in February. We also saw Taroko National Park, which was the western entrance to Taiwan’s East-West Cross-Island Highway.

    As we moved down toward Taitung, a truck overtook our car, kicking up a stone, which hit and broke the windshield of our car, totally unsighting me. I stuck my head out of the side window, and made an emergency stop on the shoulder of the road. God saved our lives! After confirming no damage was done except to the windshield, we slowly moved and reached the hotel in Taitung. Tomoko was bleeding a little in the hand, so an old Japanese-speaking gentleman took her to a local hospital, as we had asked the hotel clerk to find a hospital because we were afraid she might pick up tetanus, the disease unique to a southern region. The windshield of the car was fixed by the following morning at the car repair shop nearby.

    We continued our journey to Cape Oluanpi, the southern tip of the island, where we were supposed to see the Philippines, and stayed at a hotel in Kenting whose name sounded like the Caesar’s Palace. We then were to visit the cities of Kaohsiung, Tainan and Taichung, but we were now eager to go back home, so skipped seeing these cities and came back via the highway on the west coast of the island to our home in Taipei. Although it was for a short period of time, it was a nice adventure for my family to understand the geography and the people of the whole island of Taiwan.

    Chinese Cuisine in Taiwan

    A Trip to Sun-Moon Lake



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Prepared by Yoshi MIKAMI on October 20, 2009. Last update: May 9, 2020.