“Spring in Dalian” by Yoshi Mikami




三上吉彦编著 《大连之春》






IX. Visiting Other Areas of China



Kwanhwa Market in Taipei

Touring Around the Island of Taiwan

Eastern China

Visiting Shanghai on Business

Nanjing, Huangshan, Hanzhou and Shanghai

Northern China

Visiting Beijing

Visiting Tianjin on Business

Qufu, Mount Tai and Jinan in Shandong Province

Qingdao, Shandong Province

Central China

Taiyuan, Wutaishan and Datong in Shanxi Province

Changsha and Zhangjiajie of Hunan Province

Visiting Wuhan Twice on Business

Southern China

Visiting Yunnan Province

From Haikou to Sanya of Hainan Province

Western China

Chengdu, Jiuzhaigou Valley and Leshan of Sichuan Province

A Trip to Xi’an, Chengdu, Xining and Tibet


















































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The articles that were not included in the first edition are:

l   Tainan Astronomical Association

l   Studying Chinese at Shanghai University for a Month & Visiting Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory, Nanjing

l   A Pilgrimage to China (1998)

l   A Pilgrimage to Taiwan (1999)

l   A Pilgrimage to China (2000)







l   台南天文会(1991年)

l   在上海大学一个月学中文,访问南京紫金山天文台(1991年)

l   西安,成都,西宁和西藏之旅(2001年)全部



l   台南天文協会(1991年)

l   上海大学で1か月中国語を学習、南京・紫金山天を訪問(1991年)

l   中国巡礼1998(上海・蘇州・南京・西安)

l   台湾巡礼1999(台北・台南・高雄・花蓮)

l   中国巡礼2000(大連・瀋陽・蘭州・南京・上海)

l   西安、成都、青寧、チベットの旅(2010年)全部









Hong Kong


  In November 1989, on my business trip to Sydney, Australia, I made a stop in Hong Kong. I stayed at the Kowloon Hotel on a busy street called Nathan Road, on the Kowloon Peninsula side, and first did some window shopping at an electronic town, a few stops on the subway from Tsim Sha Tsui. I also spent a considerable time at the Hong Kong Space Museum, where I saw its planetarium and learned the Chinese history of astronomy and the Chinese names of the constellations.

On Hong Kong Island, I took a cable car to the top of Victoria Peak. It was Sunday afternoon when I visited Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, which was full of Filipino nannies.

















A Trip to Wuyi Mountains and Xiamen, Fujisan Province


In May of the last year of my 14-year stay in Dalian, I went on a 6-day group tour to Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province.

1.     Took a Xiamen Air flight, from Dalian to Fuzhou via Jinan. On Nanhou Street of the “Three Lanes and Seven Alleys” tourist area, had Peanut soup and other Chinese “small dishes” (xiaochi) for supper.

2.     Took a train to Wuyi Mountain. In the afternoon, climbed Tianyou Peak (409 meters above sea level) and in the evening enjoyed watching the “Dahongpao” spectacle in the natural theater setting, directed by Zhang Yimou.

3.     Cruised down the Jiuqu River. Had walk on Yixiantian narrow passageway and climbed Huxiao Mountain. At a tea shop, bought Jinjunmei and Guanyinwang teas after ardent price negotiations.

4.     Took a Xiamen Air flight from Wuyi Mountain to Xiamen (Amoy). Had lunch on the second floor of the building, which had a huge super market of Taiwan goods (tax-free zone) on the basement floor. In the afternoon, went to see South Putuo Temple. Afterwards took a ferry boat to Gulangyu Island and enjoyed a walk there. Back in Xiamen, had supper of Chinese “small dishes” on Zhongshan Road, a pedestrians only street.

5.     On this rainy day during the rainy season that had started, had a day tour from Amoy to visit Yongding, where we saw the Hakka people’s tulou (“earthen buildings”). Bought some more tea after another round of ardent price negotiations.

6.     Returned to Dalian by Xiamen Air’s direct flight.


I have thus realized my dream of 25 years. When I lived in Taiwan, I wanted to visit Fujian Province because the ancestors of most Taiwan people had come across the strait from that area. At that time, there was still a vivid memory of the cannon firing battle of 1958 between Kinmen and Matsu Islands, and the mainland, but nowadays Xiamen's economy seems to be mostly sustained by Taiwan’s investment. (2015.05.11.)







1.   坐厦门航空的航班大连出发经停济南到达福州。在“三坊七巷”的南后街吃了花生汤等小吃。

2.   在福州坐火车到武夷山。下午爬天游峰(海拔409米),晚饭后在自然的剧场观看了张艺谋导演的“印象·大红袍”演出。

3.   在武夷山九曲溪漂流。在一线天散步,爬虎啸山。在茶店经过一番杀价之后,买了金骏眉和观音王茶叶。

4.   坐厦门航空的航班从武夷山到厦门。在厦门市区的地下有大型的台湾产品超市(自由贸易地区),我们在那座大厦的二楼吃了午餐。下午参观了南普陀寺,之后后坐轮渡到鼓浪屿,在岛内自由游览。晚餐在厦门的中山路(步行街)吃了小吃。

5.   在厦门参加了到永定的一日游,冒着梅雨中的大雨参观了客家人的“土楼”。又经过一番激烈的杀价后,买了茶叶。

6.   早餐后,在饭店消磨一些时间,然后坐厦门航空的厦门-大连直达航班回家。






1. 坐廈門航空的航班大連出發經停濟南到達福州。在“三坊七巷”的南後街吃了花生湯等小吃。

2. 在福州坐火車到武夷山。下午爬天遊峰(海拔409米),晚飯後在自然的劇場觀看了張藝謀導演的“印象·大紅袍”演出。

3. 在武夷山九曲溪漂流。在一線天散步,爬虎嘯山。在茶店經過一番殺價之後,買了金駿眉和觀音王茶葉。

4. 坐廈門航空的航班從武夷山到廈門。在廈門市區的地下有大型的臺灣產品超市(自由貿易地區),我們在那座大廈的二樓吃了午餐。下午參觀了南普陀寺,之後後坐輪渡到鼓浪嶼,在島內自由遊覽。晚餐在廈門的中山路(步行街)吃了小吃。

5. 在廈門參加了到永定的一日遊,冒著梅雨中的大雨參觀了客家人的“土樓”。又經過一番激烈的殺價後,買了茶葉。

6. 早餐後,在飯店消磨一些時間,然後坐廈門航空的廈門-大連直達航班回家。








1.   アモイ航空で大連~済南~福州へ。「坊七巷」の南後街で、「花生湯」などの「小喫」を食べる。

2.   福州から汽車で武夷山へ。午後天游峰(海抜409m)へ登り、夕食後は大自然の劇場で張芸謀監督の「印象・大紅袍」という出し物を見る。

3.   武夷山の九曲渓で川下り。一線天を歩き、虎嘯山へ登る。茶業店で熾烈な値段交渉の末にお茶「金駿眉」と「観音王」を買う。

4.   アモイ航空で武夷山~アモイへ。街中の地下に広大な台湾産品のスーパー(自由貿易地区)があるビルの2Fで昼食。午後は南普陀寺を見学。その後フェリーでコロンス島(鼓浪嶼)へ渡り、島内を散策。夕食はアモイ街中の中山路(歩行者天国)で「小喫」を食べる。

5.   アモイから1日ツアーで永定へ行き、梅雨時期の大雨の中を客家人が建てた「土楼」を見学。これまた熾烈な値段交渉の末お茶を買う。

6.   朝食後はホテルでブラブラしてから、アモイ航空の廈門~大連直通便で帰宅。





A Trip to Chongqing, Tree Gorges, Jingzhou and Wuhan


In the summer of 2014, we five Japanese living in Dalian went on a trip to the Three Gorges. We visited Chongqing, the Yangtze River Three Gorges, Jingzhou and Wuhan in six days. Our itinerary was:


1.Travelled by air from Dalian to Chongqing via Tianjin. Our local guide met us at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport and took us to the Dalitang Hotel. In the afternoon, we went by ourselves to downtown by bus, took a ropeway over the Yangtze River which had mud water flowing swiftly, and to the Liberation Monument, the center of the city. During the summer, it was hot and humid as Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing are called the “three furnaces”, but I felt a little cooler under the shade of Huangge trees, planted along the streets. We took a monorail train to Daping Station along the Jialing River, flowing with clear water, and came back to Zengjiayan Station, where we got off and walked through a long tunnel to arrive at People’s Square and the Dalitang Hotel. In the evening we had Chongqing hot pot for dinner. Chongqing-ites were dancing in the park at hot summer night.


2. Our guide took us by a hired car to People’s Square, the Chongqing Three Gorges Museum and Ciqikou, an old Ming Dynasty town, where we had lunch. We went further to Hongyadong where we could see the Jialing River flow into the Yangtze River, and to Chaotian Wharf, where we boarded the 500-passenger luxury liner, the Yangtze Gold 5. As soon as we checked in, we disembarked to have supper and to do shopping. At 10:00 pm, we sailed off to the Three Gorges.


3. We had coffee at the coffee shop on the upper deck of the 5-story liner and breakfast in the VIP dining room. In the morning, we disembarked at Fengdu and visited the Abode of Ghosts, where we saw the statues of many kinds of Taoist and Buddhist ghosts. We continued to sail in the flat land in the afternoon, and an optional tour to the Stone Treasure Stockade was cancelled due to lack of participants. Our captain arranged all passengers’ party and a fashion show. In the evening, there was also a song and dance show by the crew members.


4. In the morning, our ship stopped at Fengjie, a town at the part of the river which looked like a big lake, where we got off the ship, went over a mountain by bus and crossed a bridge to arrive at White King Town. We saw the steles of the poems written by Li Bai (“Leaving In the morning White King Town in colorful clouds…”) and others, and the famous scenes of the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. As soon as we got on the ship, we passed by the famous scene depicted on the back of China’s ten yuan bill, the entry to Qutang Gorge, the first of the Tree Gorges. In the afternoon, we made a third stop at Wushan, shifted to a middle-sized boat to visit the Little Three Gorges, and further shifted to a smaller boat (optional 400 yuan) to see the Mini Three Gorges.


  In the evening, we passed by Wu Gorge, the second of the Three Gorges, and viewed the twelves sacredly beautiful high mountains, such as Goddess Peak, in the evening glow. There was a formal dinner invited by the captain, as we sat at the same table with a British couple and a Canadian grandmother and her grandson. Late in the evening, we were invited to see the steering room. We must have passed by Xiling Gorge, the third of the Three Gorges, at night, but asked to be awakened at 2:00 am to watch our own ship go through the 5-stage locks to bypass the Three Gorges Dam.


5. We disembarked for the fourth time to see the Three Gorges Dam. We took a bus and an escalator to a hill called Tanziling, where we could see the Dam on the west side and the two series of 5-stage locks on the east side. We got on the ship again, and saw Huangmei Gorge, which was not bad. A little before the Gezhou Dam, China’s longest dam, our ship came to a final stop at a wharf near the Three Vistors Cave, in the suburb of Yichang. A guide from Wuhan met us there. On the way to Wuhan, we debated whether we had enough time to visit the Red Cliff, but we instead visited Jingzhou, an old town surrounded by its stone and mud walls, which appeared often in the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, and whose simplicity I loved very much. Late in the evening, we crossed the Han River from Hanyang and arrived at the Roying Hotel in Hankou, Wuhan.


6. In the morning, our guide took us by a hired car to various places in Wuhan. First we visited Yokohama Shokin Bank (being renovated) of the old leased territory in Hankou, crossed the Yangtze River at the Wuhan Big Bridge, stopped at the Yellow Crane Tower, the Former Headquarters of the Wuchang Uprising, called the “Red Building”, and the Hebei Province Museum. We bought lunch which we took inside the car and quickly moved to Wuhan Tianhe Airport. As our direct flight was delayed because of heavy rain, we arrived in Dalian at mid-night.


The Three Gorges still offered very beautiful natural and man-made scenes, even after the completion of the dam in 2009. The scene of many buildings at Fengjie and other cities where the majority of over one million relocated people live because of the dam was illustriously strange. The river was a dangerously swift and affluent flow in Chongqing, but became a big narrow lake after White King Town, and offered no more a downriver cruising, but a cruising in the still water of the lake. We could not visit the Red Cliff, but Jingzhou Ancient City that we visited was a charming town. What I enjoyed most during this trip was cooperation and chatting among five of us. I contributed acting as a translator because we hired Chinese-speaking guides. (2014.08.26.)



























1. 空路で大連~天津~重慶。重慶江北空港からホテル(大礼堂酒店)へは現地ガイドを頼んだ他は、午後は自分たちでバスに乗って市街区へ行き、泥水で急流の長江の上を長江ロープウェイに乗ってからは、中心地の解放碑へ。重慶は南京・武漢と並んで「三大火炉」で、確かに蒸し暑いが街路樹に黄葛樹を植えていて、木陰が気持ちよかった。そこで軽軌(地下鉄・郊外電車のようなモノレール)に乗って大坪駅まで行くと綺麗な水の嘉陵江もたっぷり見えて、戻る途中の曽家岩駅で降りて長いトンネルを抜けると人民広場と近くの大礼堂ホテルへ戻れた。夕方重慶火鍋を食べて、夜の武漢はまだ蒸し暑いのに人々は公園でダンスに興じていた。


2. ガイドと専用車の案内で、人民広場、重慶三峡博物館、少し離れた磁器口(明代の港町)を見て昼食。洪崖洞で嘉凌江が長江へ流れ込む様を見て、朝天門埠頭で500人乗りの豪華船「長江黄金5号」にチェックインして、すぐ一時下船して夕食と買い物。夜の10時に「三峡下り」へ出帆。


3. 5階建の船の上部甲板のコーヒーショップでコーヒーを飲んで、VIP食堂で朝食。午前中に豊都で小雨の中を一時下船して、「鬼城」を見学したが、これは神仏混交のゴチャゴチャしたものだった。午後は淡々とした平地を行く航海で、オプションの「石宝塞」への下船は、希望者が少なくてキャンセルされた。午後遅くに、船長主催の全乗員へのパーティーとファッションショーがあり、夜は乗組員による歌と踊りのショー。


4. 午前中船は豊節という、長江の大きな湖のような所で停まり、我々は一時下船して、バスでひと山越えて橋を渡ると白帝城で、李白が「朝に辞す白帝彩雲の間、...」と詠んだ詩をいろいろの人が書いた石碑や『三国志』の場面の展示などを見る。乗船するとすぐ三峡の第一「瞿塘峡」(くとうきょう)を通り、10元札の裏にも描かれている有名な光景だ。午後は巫山で三回目の下船をして、中型船に乗り換えて小三峡、続いてオプション(400元)で小型船に乗り小々三峡を遊覧。




5. 午前中は三峡ダム見学のためにはまた4回目の下船。バスに乗って、エスカレーターに乗って壇子嶺という小山へ登り、西側の三峡ダムと東側の2列のロックゲートを見下ろす。再上船して、黄梅峡を通り(これもなかなかのものだった)、今も中国最長の葛洲ダムの手前で、宜昌市郊外の三游洞の埠頭で下船すると、武漢からガイドが迎えに来ていた。武漢へ行く途中に我々は赤壁へ寄る時間があるか議論したが、その代りに荊州の古城へ寄り(各自200元)、ここは『三国志』にたびたび登場する石垣と土塀に囲まれた町で、私はその素朴さが気に入った。夜に武漢3鎮(武昌・漢口・漢陽)の内の漢陽から漢江を渡り、漢口にある漢正瑞酒店に到着。


6. 午前中はガイドと専用車で武漢見学をして、漢口で戦前の租界地の横浜正金銀行(改装中)を見て、長江大橋を渡り、武昌にある黄鶴楼、隣りの「紅楼」と呼ばれている武昌起義記念館、少し離れた所の湖北省博物館を見て、昼食を買って車の中で食べて、大急ぎで武漢天河飛行場へ移動した。大雨のためか飛行機の出発が遅れて、直通で大連の自宅へは真夜中に着いた。


2009年のダム完成後も、長江三峡は自然と人工の美はすばらしかった!しかしダムのために移動させられた百万人以上の人々の大部分が分散して住む奉節などの町の、人口の膨張によって住宅ビルが林立する様は異常でさえあった。重慶では危険なほどの水量と急流が、白帝城あたりから巨大な細長い湖になっていて、もう川下りではなく、少しの流れはあるが平坦な湖水の遊覧だった。赤壁へ寄れなかったが、荊州古城もなかなか良かった。この旅で何が一番楽しかったというと、5人の協力体制とおしゃべりだった。私は中国語ガイドの通訳をして貢献した。 (2014.08.26.)



A Trip to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Dunhuang and Xi’an 2013


Karakul Lake, Kashgar

After my trip to Uzbekistan last month, I went on another trip to Central Asia, this time to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Dunhuang and Xi’an of China. My trip was with two friends from Dalian and seven friends from Nagoya, in a specially arranged 14-day schedule.


1.We left Dalian, China, on an 8:00 flight and had a stopover at Shijiazhuan, Hebei Province. We then continued our flight further west, looking down on the Gobi Desert and the Tianshan Mountains, and arrived in Urumuqi, the capital of Xinjiang Region, about 14:30. We stayed in a downtown hotel there, but had enough time to climb the hill in Hongshan Park.


2.We hired a mini-bus and a Japanese-speaking male Han guide and went east toward Turpan on Tianshan North Road of the Silk Road, which was in the opposite direction of Tripitaka Master Xuanzang during the Tang Dynasty as he went on his way to India. We arrived in Turpan about noon, and visited under the scorching sun the Gaochang Ruins, the ancient tombs of Astana, the Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, and the Flaming Mountains where Sun Wukong was blown away by the banana leaf fan in the “Journey to the West”. Ate a lot of dried grapes, apricots and fresh Hami melons. Went to see a song and dance show in the evening.


3.We visited Ayding Lake, the second lowest place in the world, the Jiaohe Ruins, and a karez. In the afternoon, we saw Emin Minaret and the Grape Valley. We took a midnight train for Kuqa, with many stops on the way, as it ran on a single-track railway.


4.When we woke up in the morning, the train was running in the Tianshan Mountains. At 14:30, we arrived in Kuqa, a historically famous oasis town on the old Western Region North Road, where a female Uyghur guide from Kashgar met us with a mini-bus. She took us to the Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves, the Kizilgaha Smoke Signal Station, the Kizilgaha Thousand Buddha Caves and the Kumtura Grottoes. For the following four days, we learned from her the culture and religion of the Uyghur people.


5.We went to see the Subashi Buddhist Temple Ruins and then moved from Kuqa to Luntai, where we started to cross the Taklamakan Desert from north to south on Cross-Desert Highway (522 km) which was built for developing oil fields. It was cloudy with intermittent rain since the previous night, so our desert crossing was a pleasant one under a very cool weather. In the evening we reached Niya on the old Western Region South Road and stayed at the town’s 3-star hotel which was the only hotel during trip where there was no Internet service.


6.We moved west on Western Region South Road and reached Hotan (Hetian) in the afternoon, where we looked for jades in the Yulongkashi River, and visited the silk making and jade factories. I went out to Union Square and took pictures of the stone statue of Uncle Kurban Tulum shaking hands with Mao Zedong. Uncle Kurban was a poor farmer who is said to have ridden a donkey to attend the All People’s Congress in 1958, as described in a famous song known to older Chinese people. For supper, we went out to the town’s night market to have mutton, Hami melon and shashlik.


7.We moved further west. Because of drizzling rain, the Kunlun Mountains still cannot be seen. Then, flash flood suddenly covered the highway, but we luckily passed that area thanks to the driver’s excellent judgement. In Yarkand, we visited the mausoleum of the Yarkand Khanate’s kings.  For lunch I had dove meat laghman, a local delicacy. We then made a shot stop at a roadside shop in Yangisar to see knives, scissors, etc., and finally reached Kashgar, the center of the culture of the Uyghur people.


8.We woke up in early morning and drove went to see Karakul Lake, which is located at the height of 3600 meters above sea level on Karakoram Highway, also called China-Pakistan Highway. We first saw the snow-covered Kongur Mountain (7719 m) of the Kunlun Mountains and, as we reached Karakuri Lake, we could see Muztagh-Ata Mountain (7546 m) just across the lake. On the way back, we stopped by at Upal Village to have lunch in its Monday bazaar. Back in Kashgar, we visited the yellow-tiled Id Kah Mosque and the artisans’ street nearby. We then hurried to the airport to fly to Urumuqi and spent the night there.


9.We flew from Urumuqi to Dunhuang, Gansu Province. Because of rain, the Mogao Caves was closed to visitors. We visited the Yangguan Ruins, a facility used to shoot the Japanese movie “Dunhuang”, and Yangguan Ruins.  In the evening, we had beef noodle, and ever since we had beef noodle almost every day.


10.The Mogao Caves were still closed because of rain. We visited Singing Sound Mountain and Crescent Moon Lake, and, in the afternoon, the Dunhuang Museum. In the evening, we went to see the song and dance show, coupled with acrobatics, which I felt as excellent.


11.On the third day in Dunhuang, the weather miraculously cleared and we could visit the Mogao Caves. Although we only saw several caves, I enjoyed viewing the Buddhist pictures there. In the afternoon, we moved on to Jiayuguan City, visiting the Yulin Caves on the way.


12.We visited Jiayuguan, the westernmost checkpoint of the Great Wall. It was a grand castle located in the Hexi Corridor, China’s doorway to Central Asia, sandwiched in a narrow strip of 15 km width between the Qilian Mountains on the south and the Black Mountains (or North Mountains) in the north. We then flew to Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. This is my third visit to this city.


13.In Xi’an, we visited the First Emperor’s Army of Terracotta Warriors. I took a lot of analog photos before, but this time a lot of digital photos. We then went to the Huaqing Pool. There I took a photo of Li Mountain, where Chang Kai-shek was captured by Zhang Xueliang during the Xi’an Incident of 1931.  Upon coming back to Xi’an, we went to see Nakamaro Abe’s stele in Xingqing Park, finding out that the stele had recently been smoked in the souring relationship between Japan and China. In the evening, we invited to a rooftop beer garden my former colleague who is married to a Xi’an lady and had good conversation about Xi’an.


14.We saw Xi’an’s Bell Tower and Drum Tower from the car window, and then went up the Western Gate, the starting point of the Silk Road, to see the City Walls. We were then carried to a place with an awesome name of the Shaanxi Province Geological and Mining Industry Research Institute, where we bought some jades and other souvenirs. After stopping by the “Silk Road Starting Point Statues”, we headed for the airport. We crossed the Wei River, where I took another photo, and left Xi’an at 14:00 on a direct flight this time, arriving in Dalian at a little after 16:00. (2013.06.23.)


For souvenir, I bought some inexpensive jades, various books, VCDs and DVDs of the Uyghur songs and dances, and a naan of Qishan Village which was sold at Xi’an Airport. This naan is not recommended; Kashgar had the best naan in the region and therefore should be bought there (or in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, if you like). As we didn’t see song and dance in Kashgar, I bought these VCDs and DVDs, which I later found contained excellent music. I know some Uyghur songs, translated into Chinese, such as “Dancing Song of the Youth” and “Alamuhan”, but the Uyghur people did not seem to know these songs. The traditional songs in the DVDs sounded like those I would hear in Istanbul, Turkey.










1.   早上8点从大连坐飞机向西飞行,在河北省石家庄中途停留之后,又继续向西飞,俯瞰了戈壁沙漠和天山山脉东部。大约14点半抵达了中国新疆自治区的中心——乌鲁木齐。到了市内的酒店后,虽然是晴天很热,但是我们还是去了红山公园爬坡游玩。


2. 族的男着我坐着小型面包,与从前唐代玄奘三藏从天山北路出发向西走的“丝绸之路”相反,我们向东一直走,中午时到达了吐鲁番。下午天气炎热,我们又参观了高昌故城、阿斯塔那古墓群、孜克里克千佛洞以及火焰山(《西游记》中孙悟空被芭蕉扇扇飞的地方)。我们还吃了很多葡萄干、杏子和新鲜的哈密瓜。夜晚,看了歌曲和舞蹈表演。


3. 去过吐鲁番的艾丁湖(世界第二低洼地、之后去游览了交河故城和坎儿井。在老百姓家吃过午饭后,参访了苏公塔和葡萄园。夜晚,我们乘坐0点出发的火车去了库车。因为是单线通行,只有一条线路,所以很多候需要等待面驶来的列


4.  早上醒来,列车正在天山山脉上行进,14点半终于到了天山南路(又称西域北路)上的历史上有名的绿洲之镇——库车。来自喀什的维吾尔族女性日语导游用中巴来接我们,带我们参观了库车的克孜尔千佛洞、克孜尔尕哈千佛洞、克孜尔尕哈烽燧和库木吐拉石窟。之后的四天、我从她那里学到了很多维吾尔族文化和宗教(伊斯兰)知识。


5.  早上,参观了苏巴什故城苏巴什佛寺遗址)后,接着从库车向轮台行进,在塔克拉玛干沙漠中,我们由北向南穿行在为开采石油而建的沙漠公路上,由于前一天晚上下了雨,这成了云层下格外凉爽的沙漠之行。到了晚上,抵达西域南路的尼雅(民丰),我们住在了这里的招待所,这也是我们此行唯一一个不能使用互联网的三星级酒店。


6.  由西域南路向西行,下午我们到了和田,在白玉川(玉龙喀什河)找了找白玉之类的宝物之后,看了丝绸加工房和玉器加工厂,又去团结广场给那里的库尔·和毛泽东的握手像拍了照片。有一首歌讲述了1958年,库尔班大叔作为这个地区的贫农代表,骑着毛驴参加了人民代表大会的事情,中国的老一辈人都知道这首歌。晚饭时,大家都跑去吃夜市小摊的羊肉、馕饼、羊肉串和哈密瓜了。


7.  我们继续向西行进,但小雨朦胧看不到昆仑山脉。经由国道时,山地洪水涌来,我们以毫厘之差安全通过了。在叶城(莎车)参观了羌汗国的陵墓,午饭在那的广场的餐馆吃了鸽子肉拉条子面。在英吉沙的刀具店逛了一会儿,到了维吾尔族文化中心——喀什噶尔(喀什)后住了五星级酒店。


8.  在喀什噶尔早起后去游览了喀拉库勒湖(海拔3,600米)。看到了位于中国巴基斯坦公路途中的昆仑山脉的公格尔山,到达了眼前慕士塔格(7,546 米)雪上脚下的卡拉库里湖。回来的路上,顺便去了乌帕尔乡的周一巴扎,参观了喀什噶尔市内的艾提尕尔清真寺以及附近的职工街,之后坐飞机飞向乌鲁木齐,在那里住下。


9.  坐飞机从乌鲁木齐飞抵甘肃省敦煌。天下着小雨,顺路参观了 “敦煌故城”电影村后,前往了古时的关塞古迹——阳关。傍晚时分,在酒店的附近吃了牛肉面,之后的每一天肯定有一顿饭只吃牛肉面。


10. 在敦煌,冒着小雨去游览了鸣沙山和月牙泉。午后,因为小雨还在下,所以莫高窟禁止参观,我们只好去了敦煌博物馆。晚饭后,去敦煌大剧院欣赏了杂技、歌曲和舞蹈结合在一起的演出。


11.   在敦煌的第三天非常幸运是个晴天,于是,我们去参观了莫高窟。虽然只看了很少的窟洞,但是佛画真的是太美了。午后,我们去往嘉峪关市的途中参观了榆林窟。


12.   在嘉峪关市,我们去游览了位于长城最西端的嘉峪关。这是一个北靠黑山、南临祁连山,被两山相夹的15公里长的峡谷地带,是一座位于河西走廊的绝美的关城。之后坐飞机前往陕西省西安市,我以前来过两次西安。


13.   首先,去参观了秦始皇兵马俑,之前我是用胶卷拍照,这次我拍了很多数码照片。接下来我们去了趟附近的华清池,把那里的“西安事变”中张学良抓捕蒋介石,蒋介石躲藏在后山的骊山的地方收入了我的照相机中。返回市内,在兴庆公园参观了阿倍仲麻吕的石碑,傍晚时、找来了以前的同事,他和西安女孩结婚后一直住在西安,我和他在屋顶的啤酒花园举杯庆祝,并向他询问最近西安的情况。


14.   早上,从车内游览了西安市内的钟楼、鼓楼,爬上西门参观了环城的城墙(这里是“丝绸之路”的出发点),带到陕西省地质矿产研究所等名字很夸的地方购买宝石西,参观了位于那里稍微西面的“丝绸之路起点群雕”之后前往西安机场,途中渡过渭水,我又拍了一些照片。我们搭乘下午2点多直飞大连的飞机返回,4点多到了大连。






中国新疆ウイグル自治区・敦煌・西安 2013




1. 朝8時の飛行機で大連を出て西へ飛び、河北省石家荘でストップオーバー。さらに西江飛行して、ゴビ砂漠と天山山脈東部を見下ろして、14時半ころ中国新疆自治区の中心地・ウルムチへ到着。市内のホテルに着いて、晴れの暑い日だったが、紅山公園で丘へ登って遊んだ。


2. 漢族の男性ガイド付き小型バンで出て、昔のシルクロードの天山北路を唐時代にインドへ向かった玄奘三蔵とは反対方向の東へ向かい、昼ごろトゥルファンに着いた。午後暑い中を高昌故城、アスタナ古墳、ベゼクリク千仏洞、火焔山(『西遊記』の中で孫悟空が芭蕉扇で吹き飛ばされた所)を見物。干しブドウ、アンズ、新鮮なハミ瓜などを沢山食べた。夜、歌と踊りを見た。


3. トゥルファンのアイディン湖(世界で2番目の低地)へ行き、次に交河故城とカレーズの見物。民家で昼食後、オーミン塔(蘇公塔)、葡萄園を訪問。夜中の0時発の夜行列車でクチャ(庫車)へ向かう。単線なので対向列車の待ちが多い感じだった。


4. 朝起きると列車は天山山脈の中を走っており、14時半にやっと天山南路(別名:西域北路)上の歴史上有名なオアシスの町・クチャへ到着。カシュガルからウイグル族の女性日本語ガイド が小型バンで迎えに来てくれて、クチャのキジル千仏洞、クズルガハ千仏洞、クズルガハ狼煙台、クムトラ千石窟庫木吐拉石窟を案内してくれた。その後4日間、彼女からウイグル族の文化と宗教(イスラム教)をいろいろ学ぶ。












10. 敦煌で小雨の中を鳴沙山と月牙泉を見に行く。午後もまだ小雨で莫高窟が訪問禁止なので、敦煌博物館を見にいった。夕食後は敦煌大劇場で、サーカスと歌と踊りを組み合わせた出し物を見に行った。


11. 敦煌の3日目は幸いにして晴れて、莫高窟を見に行った。ほんの数窟を見ただけだったが、仏画は大変良かった。午後は嘉峪関市へ移動して、途中楡林窟を見た。


12. 嘉峪関市では長城の一番西端に当たる嘉峪関を見にいった。北に黒山(別名:北山)、南に祁連山脈に挟まれた15キロと河西回廊が狭まるところにある立派な城だ。飛行機で陝西省西安へ移動。西安へは私は過去に2度来ている。


13. まず、始皇帝の兵馬俑を見にいって、以前はアナログ写真で撮ったので、今回は沢山のディジタル写真を撮った。次に近くの華清池へ寄り、西安事件で張学良が裏山の驪山に隠れていた蒋介石を捕えた所を写真に収めた。市内へ戻り興慶公園で阿倍仲麻呂の石碑を見て、夕方は以前の同僚に西安の娘さんと結婚して住んでいるので来てもらい、彼と屋上ビールガーデンで祝杯を挙げ、また最近の西安事情を聞く。


14. 朝西安市内の鐘楼・鼓楼を車内から見て、西門に上がり町をめぐる城壁を観察し(ここがシルクロードの出発点)、陝西省地質鉱産研究所などという大層な名称の所へ連れて行かれて宝石類の買い物をして、そこから少し西にある「シルクロード起点群彫」を見てから西安空港へ向かい、途中で渭水を渡るので写真に撮り、午後2時過ぎの大連直通飛行機に乗り午後4時過ぎに大連へ着いた。(2013.06.23.)














Created by Yoshi Mikami, on May 11, 2012. Updated on Nov. 18, 2015.