“Spring in Dalian” by Yoshi Mikami




三上吉彦编著 《大连之春》






VIII. Life in Northeast China


Liaoning Province

Xiongyue Hot Spring in Yingkou City

Dandong and Fenghuang Mountain

Visiting Shenyang

Climbing Qianshan in Anshan City

Red Seacoast, Panjin, and Lü Mountain, Jinzhou

Benxi Water Caves and Autumn Leaves at Guanmenshan

Visiting Tieling, China’s Most Rural Area

Jilin Province

Changchun and Changbai Mountain

Heilongjiang Province

Visiting Harbin in Winter

Mohe, Heilongjiang Province, China’s Northernmost Village

Inner Mongolia

Naadam, the Mongolian Sports Day in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia














































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Not Included in the First Edition


A Short Visit to Shenyang and Fushun by High Speed Railway 2013


In August 2013, Yuko Watanabe, a Japanese researcher of China’s Christian History, visited us in Dalian. My friend and I accompanied her on a short visit to Shenyang and Fushun.

In the afternoon of our first day, we took at Dalian Railway Station the High Speed Train that had started service in December of last year. It took us two hours and ten minutes for the 400 km distance from Dalian to Shenyang North Station, because the train, which ran at 200 km per hour at the beginning of the service, now ran at 300 km per hour from this summer. There was a plan in progress for Shenyang to absorb Tieling in the north and Fushun in the east to become a city of ten million people and the area code of these two satellite cities have already changed to 024. A north entrance of Shenyang North was being developed along with a Lotte World theme park.

 On the second day, we visited the hot spring that my friend’s Korean friend had dug in Liaozhong Prefecture in the western suburb of Shenyang. As we dipped ourselves in the hot spring which came out from 2300 to 3000 meters underground, I was asked to find investors who can use this hot spring as health drink or can develop resort houses there. In the afternoon, we went to see Dongguan Church where the Bible was translated for the first time into Korean. We also visited the Xita area of Shenyang where the majority of the people are Korean Chinese and met Wu Ai’en, the former pastor, who was sent to work at the coal mines during the Cultural Revolution. In the evening, we had dinner at a Korean restaurant where we saw a North Korean song and dance show.

  On the third day, we had breakfast at a Mac restaurant in Hunnan New District, south of the large Hun River. This area was where most of the sports venues of the Chinese National Games were to be held in two weeks. Five lines of tramway had just been newly built for this event and they were celebrating the first run of the tramway cars on that particular day. We took the broad Shenyang-Fushun Highway which had five lanes in one direction, past Sheng-Fu New Town, to which one of the tramway lines was connected. As soon as we arrived in Fushun, the portrait of Lei Feng, the symbol of the volunteer spirit in China, could be seen everywhere, because he had did his military duty there, as we learned. We first visited the War Crimes Management Center, where Pu Yi and other Chinese people who collaborated with Japan during World War II and Japanese War Crimes were kept. We next tried to visit Yingkelu Church, which had been renamed from a church originally built by the Japanese, but ended up visiting Zhonghelu Church, which we found was a church that absorbed Yingkelu Church when the new church building was completed in 1998. We had s short conversation with Pastor Ma Youpin, who happened to be at the church. Time did not allow us to visit Pingdingshan, where many Chinese were massacred by the Japanese police, or the observation point of the famous Fushun Open-pit Coal Mines.  

  We tried to return to Shenyang in a hurry, as we also had to stop by the Liaoning Province Special Education College for the Physically Handicapped. We arrived at Shenyang Station from the newly built West Entrance, boarded the High Speed Train, which left Shenyang on time, and arrived in Dalian Station on time. (2013.08.15.)







乘高去沈阳和抚顺的一次小旅行 2013



















A Trip to Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province 2012


The Tumen Border Bridge to

 North Korea

Towards the end of the 11th year of my stay in Dalian, I went to Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province that I had yearned to visit for a long time.  My friends at the foreigners’ church and I participated in the children’s summer camp to teach English.  Our team consisted of four Asians, ten Africans and three Americans (eleven female, five male and one child).

1.     Left Dalian by a hired bus in the morning.  Visited the orphanage in Fengcheng City, Dandong, and, in the late afternoon, Yalu River Park.

2.     Went up along the Yalu River, seeing Shuifeng Dam, the Border Bridge in Ji’an City, Jilin Province, and King Haotai’s stele.  Stayed at a hotel in Tonghua City.

3.     Passed by Changbai Mountain, where we saw local people getting honey from Chinese linden flowers that were in full bloom.  Arrived in Yanji, the capital city of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture.  Stayed at the church for the Korean Chinese.

4.     Rested in the morning. Started to teach English to the children at the retreat facility of the church.

5.     Took a bus tour to Hunchun City as we played with the children in the bus.  In Hunchun, had lunch at the Korean restaurant owned by a church member.   All signboards in Hunchun were written in Chinese, Korean and Russian, but not in English.  In the afternoon, stopped by at Xin’an Church, and visited the Quanhe Border Bridge, seeing the Tumen Border Bridge in Tumen City.

6.     Played with the children and, in the afternoon, climbed Mao’er Mountain.

7.     Sunday.  Participated in the worship at the church in Yanji, singing and dancing in front of the worshippers.  In the afternoon, moved to Changchun.

8.     In Changchun, visited Xiwuma Street Church and Nanhu Park.  Moved to Shenyang.

9.     In Shenyang, visited Xita Church for the Korean Chinese, Dongguan Church, and Shenyang College for Education for the Disabled.  In the afternoon, went back to Dalian.

In the afternoon of the fourth day, the police came to us to inspect our passports.  Because a few of us did not carry passports, we were all brought to the police headquarters, but were released by paying 3,000 yuan.  They were in doubt to find us teaching the Christian faith to the children, which was illegal, but we only taught English.  (2012.07.16.-24.)






吉林省延族自治州之旅 2012



1.  清晨我乘坐大巴从大。下午来到了丹凤城市的一个孤儿院,下午三四点去了鸭绿江公园。

2.  沿着鸭绿江游了水丰大,吉林省集安市的,好太王碑。之后在通化留宿。

3.  过长白山,我看到当地人在盛开的椴中采蜜。随后来到延的首府,留宿于朝族教堂。

4.  上午休息,下午在教堂的静修所教孩子

5.  在去春的大巴上,与孩子做游学英。在春,我来到式餐吃午春的标识牌都是用汉语韩语和俄语标注的,没有英。下午,路了新安教堂,圈河图门市的图们边

6.  和孩子玩耍后,下午我去爬了帽儿山。

7.  周日,来到延吉教堂做礼拜,舞;下午前往长春。

8.  春,参了西五马路教堂,游了西湖公园;之后前往沈阳。

9.  在沈阳,参族人的西塔教堂,关教堂,和为残疾人提供教育的沈阳教育学院。下午返回大






吉林省延辺朝鮮族自治へ旅行 2012



1. 朝大連を専用バスで出発して、丹東の鳳城市の孤児院を訪ね、午後遅く丹東の鴨緑江公園へ。

2. 鴨緑江を遡り、水豊ダムを見て、吉林省集安で鉄道国境大橋、好太王碑を見て、通化で宿泊。

3 .長白山の麓を通ったら、椴樹の花が満開で、沢山の人たちが蜂蜜を採取していた。延辺朝鮮族自治区の延吉へ到着。そこの朝鮮族教会で宿泊。

4. 午前中は休み、午後リトリート施設で子供たちのキャンプで英語教育を開始。

5. バスで子供たちと琿春市へ観光に行き、途中英語で遊んだ。教会員が経営する朝鮮料理店で昼食。琿春市内は看板がすべて中国語・朝鮮語・ロシア語で書いてあり、英語はない。午後新安教会へ寄り、圏河国境大橋へも行き、図們市で図們国境大橋にも寄った。

6. 子供たちと遊び、午後は帽児山公園へ登山にいった。

7. 日曜日。延吉の教会での礼拝で歌と踊りを披露した後、長春へ移動。

8. 長春で西五馬路教会、南湖公園へ寄り、瀋陽へ移動。

9. 瀋陽の朝鮮族の西塔教会、東関教会、障害者教育学院へ寄って、午後大連へ戻る




Created by Yoshi Mikami, on May 11, 2012. Updated on August 14, 2014.