Asia Info Network Home Page

(アジア情報ネットワーク in Japanese)

Proudly Presents a Free Access Service to:

L'Association franco-japonaise de Nagano

Basho in Yamagata Home Page

Big Blue Sky BBS

Bourgogne's Home Page

Carnegie Mellon Univ. and G.S.I.A.
Alumni Activities Home Page

The Chubu Diocese Home Page, NSKK
(日本聖公会 中部教区ホームページ)

EagleEye Home Page

FAQ Nagano

The Folklore of Yonezawa

FontLand Home Page

Gin's Home Page

InfoServe Home Page

Issa's Haiku Home Page

The Japanese Canterbury Tales

La Seine, Gakken's Womens Magazine

The Languages of the World by Computer and the Internet

The Languages of the World on IBM ChipCard & WordPad
(世界の言葉をIBM ChipCardとWordPadで)

Meguro Illustration Club Home Page 

Multilingual Computing Users' Group

The Multilingual Web Guide

My China Home Page

My Credo

My Recommended Books & CDs

Nagano Holy Savior's Church

The Nakamaro Kai

Pippas Coffee Shop

Le Saijiki en francais

Shinshu in My Heart

Tokyo System Trade Home Page

Waiwai! Foreign Languages

The World's Womens Magazines

Yamagata, Japan's Heartland

Yoshi Mikami's Recommended Books & CDs Home Page

Zwei Deutsche in Nagano

Asia Info Network was a PC-based bulletin board system (BBS) operated by Yoshi Mikami in Fujisawa, Japan, from August, 1989, through September, 1996, except May, 1990-August, 1991, when it was run in Taipei, Taiwan. It could be accessed free of charge, 24 hours a day, by any ASCII termnial emulator program at 19,200/14,400/9,600/4,800/2,400 bps modem speeds. Phone: 0466-26-6320. FidoNet: 6:730/32 (+81-466-26-6320).

This page, residing at, is written in HTML 3.2. Its contents were prepared by Yoshi Mikami. Please send your comments to Yoshi Mikami. Created: July 30, 1996. Last update: March 29, 2007.