“Spring in Dalian” by Yoshi Mikami




三上吉彦编著 《大连之春》






XI. Here and There in This World





Business Trips to Japan

A Weekend Trip to Izu Peninsula

Cross-Country Skiing in Ura-Bandai, Fukushima Prefecture

A Weekend Trip to Southern Chiba Prefecture in Early Spring

Trekking in Chubu Mountains National Park



A Short Visit to Seoul

Another Short Visit to Seoul


Southeast Asia and Oceania

Visiting Australia via Hong Kong and Singapore

From Taiwan to Bali, Indonesia

From Dalian, China, to Bali, Indonesia

Tasmania, Australia

South Island, New Zealand


U.S.A. and Canada

Visiting Washington, D.C.

Dogwood Flowers

Our Grand Driving Tours to Quebec and Florida

The American and Canadian Rockies

Visiting My Brother-in-Law in Chicago and San Diego

Visiting the Hawaiian Islands of Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii

Visiting Hawaii’s Molokai and Maui Islands for My Daughter’s Wedding

Visiting My Daughter’s Family on Hawaii Island




Finding Customer Requirements in Five European Countries

Visiting the Rhine River During a business Trip in Germany

Visiting Italy, Greece and Japan in an Around-the-World Trip from U.S.A.

A Pilgrimage to Scotland and England, UK

Eastern France and Western Switzerland

Southwestern France

St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia

A Trip to Andalusia, Spain



South Africa













































法国 西南部






















































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The articles that were not included in the first edition are:

l   A Pilgrimage of Trust and Prayer to Korea (1998)







l   韓国:信頼と祈りの旅



Visiting Iwate and Aomori Prefectures 2012


Twelve years ago, my wife and I had stayed at the hotel in Tōno Station, Iwate Prefecture, climbing Hayachine Mountain (1914 meters above sea level), and visiting Jōdo-ga-hama in the east and Hiraizumi, Miyagi Prefecture, in the west by a rented car.  In August 2012, we together with my senior high school alumni went to Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, to see the summer festival, visited Rikuzen Takata and Ōfunato that had been stricken by the East Japan Earthquake in the previous year, and climbed Hakkōda Mountains in Aomori Prefecture.  Our five-day schedule was:

The Wetlands in the Hakkōda Mountains

1.     We took the bullet train from Tokyo via Sendai to Kitakami, where we stayed at a hotel near the railway station for two nights.  In the afternoon, we went to the Suwa Shrine to see the traditional Japanese dances.  In the evening, we saw the Festival of the Traditional Dances of Northeast Japan.

2.     We hired a bus to visit Rikuzen Takata and Ōfunato, which had been hit by tsunami in the previous year, and had lunch in Ōunato.  In the evening, we saw the fireworks display over the Kitakami River.

3.     We went to Kanegasaki Town to see Toyota Motor East Japan’s Iwate Plant where they assemble Aqua hybrid compact cars.  In the afternoon, my wife and I said good-bye to our alumni friends and took the bullet train to Aomori. We rented a car and went to the Hakkōda Mountains.

4.     We climbed Ōdake Mountain (1584 meters above sea level), visiting the Sennin Wetlands on the way and the Kenashitai Wetlands on the way back.

5.     We rode the Hakkōda ropeway (2460 m long) to reach at Tamoyachi Mountain where we hiked around the Tamoyachi Wetlands.  We climbed Akakura Mountain (1548 m).  In the afternoon, we returned the car in Aomori, and took the bullet train to go back home.

Our visit to the areas which had been hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake left a considerable mark in my heart.  I also felt that this kind of disaster may hit anywhere near the sea in Japan, such as the place where I live.  (2012.08.09.)




岩手青森之旅 2012



1,  乘坐了新干线京出发经过仙台市来到了北上市,在站附近的宾馆住了两宿。下午,在诹访神社看了北地区的传统舞蹈。傍晚,又去参艺术节

2,  乘坐中巴车去拜访了去年被海啸袭击前高田市和大船渡市。在大船渡吃的午。晚上,在北上河流上看了焰火晚会。

3,  了在金崎町的丰田日本岩手工厂(正在制作小型混合Aqua)。下午,和同学分后,我和我的妻子乘坐新干线来到了青森市,我租了一辆车,开去了八甲田山。

4,  去爬了八甲田山的最高峰大岳(海拔1584米),登山途中我们还穿了仙人岱湿地,下山的候我们经过了毛无岱湿地帯。

5,  乘坐八甲田山索道(长度2460米)来到了田茂萢岳,通田茂萢湿地后登上了赤仓岳(1548米),下午在青森归还车,乘新干线回家。




岩手県と青森県へ旅行 2012



1.      新幹線で東京から仙台を経て北上へ行き、駅近くのホテルで2泊。午後は諏訪神社で東北地方の伝統的な踊りを見て、夕方はみちのく芸能まつりを見学した。

2.      前年に津波に襲われた陸前高田、大船渡を中型バスで訪問し、昼食は大船渡で。夕方は北上川で花火大会を見た。

3.      金ヶ崎町にあるトヨタ東日本岩手工場(小型ハイブリッド車Aquaを製造中)を見学。午後、同級生とは別れて新幹線で青森へ行き、レンタカーで八甲田山へ着いた。

4.      八甲田山大岳(海抜1584m)へ登り、登りに仙人岱(せんにんたい)湿地帯を通り、下りは毛無岱(けなしたい)湿地帯を通った。

5.      八甲田ロープウエィ(長さ2460m)で田茂萢(たもやち)岳に行き、田茂萢湿地帯を通ってから赤倉岳1548m)に登り、午後は青森でレンタカーを返して、新幹線に乗って家へ帰った。



Stopping in Singapore


  I made a business trip to Sydney, Australia, in November 1989. On my way back to Japan, I made a short stop in Singapore. I roamed around Orchard Road in a busy area where my hotel was, and took the subway to Jurong East Station to visit Singapore Science Center. There I saw a planetarium and learned that a 40-inch Cassegrain reflector telescope, the largest such telescope in Southeast Asia, had been donated on the previous day by Japan.













A Business Trip to Australia


For one week in November 1989, I went to Sydney, Australia, for an international conference of those IBM employees who were involved in managing the office systems in Asia-Pacific Region. Aside from attending the conference, we visited Koala Park to play and take photos with koalas, and other places.

I for one especially enjoyed staying awake on the poolside chair of the hotel, and observing the stars of the southern hemisphere till midnight. There were the Southern Cross, AchernarEridani), my favorite Canopus (α Carinae), Fomalhaut (α Piscis Austrini), the Large and Small Magellanic Nebulae, and other objects that we did not see in the northern hemisphere. And Orion, which we normally see in the southern sky, was hanging in the sky above our head, slightly in the north.















California! California!


In addition to San Diego, I also visited other cities of California. On my way to Pittsburgh for graduate study in 1969, I first visited in the Bay Area Kakutaro Kitashiro, later President of IBM Japan, who was studying at University of Berkeley. I also visited the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman’s Wharf, and, on my way back to Japan, Yosemite National Park.

 IBM had a large hard disk plant in San Jose and a new software laboratory in Santa Teresa, but I was not directly related to their operations. There was, however, in Palo Alto IBM Human Factors Support Center, which I visited several times to see Dr. Dick Hirsch and to get his consultation on the human factors design of the computer terminals.

  On my way back from the East Coast of the United States to Japan, we as a family had a chance to visit Disneyland and Universal Studio theme parks. Moreover, during my several business trips to the U.S., I loved to stop in Los Angeles to enjoy riding a rented bicycle on the bicycle trail along the seacoast from Rodondo Beach to Santa Monica.





























A Trip to Austria and Croatia 2012


In the early fall of 2012, my wife and I went on a trip to Austria and Croatia.  During our trip over two weeks, we used Austrian Airlines from Tokyo to Vienna, the train from Vienna to Zagreb via Graz, a rental car from Zagreb to Dubrovnik and Austrian Airlines from Dubrovnik to Vienna and from Vienna to Tokyo.  Our overall schedule was:

1.     We took the 11:30 Austrian Airline from Narita, Tokyo, arriving eleven hours later in Vienna, Austria, at 16:00 on the same day.  I happened to lose my wallet on the bus from the airport to West Railway Station, but luckily the bus driver kindly picked it up and delivered it to me in the next bus.

Schoenbrunn Palace

2.     Took the subway to Stephansplatz, the central plaza of Vienna, and walked  the Hofburg (Imperial Palace), including the Treasury where we saw the crowns of the Austrian Emperor and the Holy Roman Emperor, and the Sisi Museum which is about Empress Elizabeth of Austria.  We then made a round of downtown Vienna by taking the tramway on the Ring (Ringstrasse), build on the site of the former city wall.  In the evening we went to the Mozart concert at the large hall of the Musikverein, from which is broadcast to the world every year the New Year Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic.

3.     Went to see Schoenbrunn Palace, which was rebuilt by Empress Maria Theresa and in which Marie Antoinette was brought up, and the Belvedere Museum, where we could see Gustav Klimt and others’ paintings.

4.     Sunday. Went to UNO City and had a glimpse of the Danube River from the window of the subway.  Attended the Sunday mass at Hofburg Chapel, supported the Vienna Boys’ Choir and orchestra. In the afternoon, saw the horse show of the Spanish Riding School.  Went out to the western suburb of Nussdorf to walk on Beethoven’s Alley and in the vineyard of the Vienna Woods.

5.     We took the train from Vienna to Graz, the second largest city of Austria, going over the Semmering Pass of the Alps Mountains.  In Graz, went to see Hauptplatz, the main square, of the old town and went up to Schlossberg.

6.     Visited Eggenberg Castle in the suburbs.  Came back to downtown to see the Dom (Graz Cathedral) and walked around the Mur River.

7.     For lack of a convenient train that arrived in Zagreb by noon on the shortest run through Maribor of Slovenia, we got up at 4:30, took the 6:08 train from Graz, went into Hungary, changed trains at Szombathely, and crossed the Drava River on the border, arriving in Zagreb, Croatia, at 13:30.  This is a city at the foot of the Medvednica Range, also called Sljeme Mountain, on the Sava River.  We went to see the main square, called Ban Jelacic Square, St. Mary’s Cathedral in the Kaptol area, and St. Mark’s Church in the Gradec area of the old town.

8.     Rented a car in Zagreb and moved down Expressway A1 and National Highway 1 to Plitvice Lakes National Park in the Dinaric Alps.  Enjoyed walking in the park along Route E, walking down on the upper lakes.

9.     Walked in Plitvice Park along Route F, crossing a lake by a boat first and then walking down on the lower lakes.  In the afternoon, walked on the other side of the lower lakes.

10.   We left Plitvice, went through Sveti Rok Tunnel (5679 m) of the Velebit Mountains on Expressway A1, and drove down National Highway 8 on the Adriatic Sea.  After stopping by at Sibenik for a while, arrived in Split, the second largest city in Croatia.  In the evening, went to see the palace which the Roman Emperor Diocletian had built, now full of souvenir shops for tourists.

11.   Sunday. Went on a day trip to Hvar Island in the Adriatic Sea by a large ferry boat owned by Jadrolinija.  In the beautiful old Roman town of Hvar, visited St. Stephen’s Church and climbed a fortress, called Spanjola.

12.   Still in Split, went to the Biokovo Mountains in Makarsk, a resort town next to Split.  Climbed Vošac Mountain (1422 meters above sea level) there and appreciated the beautiful scenery of the Adriatic Sea and the islands.

13.   Went to see the Diocletian palace again and then drove the rental car to move to Dubrovnik, passing through “Makarsk Riviera” and Bosnia and Herzegovina for a while on National Highway 8.  Returned the rental car.

14.   Walked on the city wall of Dubrovnik.  After visiting the Jewish Museum, climbed Srđ Mountain behind the city by a cable car.

15.   We had a walk on the seaside of the peninsula where our hotel was located.  Left Dubrovnik for Vienna by air.  In the evening, dined at a heurige (a restaurant with wine and Viennese music) in Grinzing, Vienna.

16.   Went to see downtown Vienna again, by riding the tramway on the Ring.  At 13:30, left Vienna for Tokyo.

17.   Arrived in Narita, Tokyo, at 7:30

All through this trip, I was much concerned about the recent dispute on Senkaku Island (or Diaoyu Island) between China and Japan and continued to read the news in the Internet.  Croatia was involved in a war for independence in 1991-95, such as the battles in Vukovar and Dubrovnik, and finally won the war in 1998.  At least three Croatian people talked to me on that subject.  I had hard time in trying to understand why the countries like Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are so close to each other in the languages that they use, had to fight each other.  And, looking at Far East from Balkan Peninsula, it was so strange that China, Japan and Korea, which are so close culturally, have to fight each other.  We must quickly get out of today’s country-centered attitude of always think about one’s country’s profit first before the benefit of all human beings.  (2012.10.13.)   




奥地利和克罗地亚之旅 2012


















  16.乘坐城大道上的电车重温13:30, 返回京。





オーストリア・クロアチア旅行 2012



1. 11:30、東京成田発のオーストリア航空で出発、約11時間でウィーンへ同じ日の16:00に到着。空港から市内の西駅へのバスで財布を落とすハプニングがあったが、幸い運転手が拾ってくれて、その日に入手。

2. 地下鉄で市中心のシュテファンスプラッツへ行き、ウィーン王宮の宝物館(オーストリア帝国神聖ローマ帝国の王冠があった)、シシィ博物館(エリザベート皇妃について)などを見て、以前城壁があったあとの「リングシュトラーセ」上の路面電車に乗って、街の見物をした。夕方は、毎年そこからウィーン・フィルハーモニーの新年音楽会が世界へ放送される友協会大ホールで、モーツァルト音楽会を聞いた。

3. シェーンブルン宮殿(マリア・テレザ女帝が再建、マリー・アントワネットが育ったところ)、ベルヴェデール美術館(グスタフ・クリムトなどの絵画)を見学。

4. 日曜日。ウィーンで、国連シティーを見学に行き、地下鉄の窓からドナウ川をちらりと見た。王宮礼拝堂で日曜ミサ(ウィーン少年合唱団と管弦楽団付き)に出て、スペイン乗馬学校のショウを見学。郊外のヌスドルフでベートーベンの小道、ウィーンの森の中のブドウ畑を散歩。

5. ウィーンから列車で、アルプス山脈のゼメリング峠を越えて、オーストリア第2の都市・グラーツへ移動。旧市街の中心広場とシュロスベルグ(城山)を見て歩く。

6. 郊外のエッゲンベルグ城へ行き、街中へ戻りドーム(グラーツ大聖堂)、ムーア川の周りを見た

7. 鉄道で最短距離のスロベニア・マリボル経由で昼までにザグレブに着ける列車がなかったので、早朝06:08グラーツ発の列車に乗り、ハンガリーに一時入りソンバトヘイで列車を乗り換え、国境でドゥラヴァ川を渡り、13:30にクロアチアのザグレブへ到着。ザグレブはメドヴェドニツァ山塊(別名スリェメ山)の麓で、サヴァ側に面してできた町。さっそくイェラチッチ総督広場、旧市街のカプトル地域にある聖マリア大聖堂、グラデツ地域にある聖マルコ教会などを見た。

8. レンタカーを借りて、高速道路A1と国道1号線を通って、ディナル・アルプス山脈中のプリトヴィツェ湖群国立公園へ到着。順路Eに沿って園内の上流の湖群に沿って散歩。

9. プリトヴィツェ公園内を、順路Fに沿って、はじめ船で湖を渡り、あとは下流の湖に沿って散歩、午後は順路Fの変形で、下流の湖群の反対側を散歩。

10. プリトヴィツェ公園を出発して、高速道路A1でヴェレビト山脈を聖ロク・トンネル(5679m)で抜けて、アドリア海に面した国道8号線をドライブして、シベニクに寄り、クロアチアの第2の都会・スプリットへ到着。夕方ディオクレチアヌス帝が築いた宮殿(今は観光客用商店街になっている)を見物。


12. スプリットの隣町・マカルスクにあるビオコヴォ山脈へ行き、ヴォシャツ山(標高1422m)へ登山。山頂からはアドリア海と諸島のすばらしい景色を眺める。

13. ディオクレチアヌス帝の宮殿をまた見に行ってから、スプリットを出発して、「マカルスク・リヴィエラ」を経て、一時ボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナを通過して、国道8号線をドゥブロヴニクへ。レンタカーを返却。

14. ドゥブロヴニクで、城壁の上を周遊。ユダヤ教博物館を見学して、街の背後のスルジ山へケーブルカーで登る。

15 .ドゥブロブニクのホテルの近くの半島を早朝散歩して、飛行機でウィーンに移動。夕方ホイリゲ(音楽付きで新酒ワインを飲ましてくれるところ)で食事。

16. ウィーンの街を早朝散歩。11:30発の飛行機でウィーンを出発。

17. 早朝7:30に、東京成田へ到着した。


最近中国と日本の尖閣諸島をめぐる争いが気がかりで、この旅行の間もその関係のニュースを毎日インターネットで見ていた。クロアチアは199195年にかけて独立戦争があり、コソボやドブロヴニクでの戦いを我々も知っていて、1998年にはやっと勝利たが、私は少なくとも3人のクロアチア人からその経緯を聞かされた。言語的にもこんな近しいクロアチア、セルビア、ボスニア・ヘルツェコヴィナなどが戦争をするのは、理解に苦しむ。また、ここから遠く東アジアを考えると、文化的にも近しい中国・日本・朝鮮がどうしてこんなにも争うのか、不思議でならない気がした。民族を中心に国家を作り、まず国家の利益を考えて、人類全体の利益は二の次にしてしまうという現代の考え方から早く脱皮しないといけないとつくづく思った。 (2012.10.13.)




Uzbekistan 2013


Staying Overnight in the Tent in the Pamir Mountains

In May 2013, my wife and I participated in a tour group to visit Uzbekistan, arranged by a Japanese tourist company. It was an eight-day tour of hiking to see wild flowers, while looking up at the Western Tianshan Mountains, of staying in the tents in the Pamir Plateau and of visiting Samarkand, the ancient city on the Silk Road. Our group consisted of seven men and eighteen women (four couples among them). We moved by a specially hired bus in Uzbekistan.


1.                We left Tokyo-Narita at 10:25 by an Uzbekistan Airways flight and flew over Seoul, Beijing, Baotou and Urumqi, looking down on the Gobi Desert, the Tianshan Mountains and the Taklamakan Desert. Nine hours later, we arrived at Tashkent Airport and stayed at a hotel in this city.

2.                From Tashkent, we headed northeast to Charvak Lake and hiked in the valley of the Aksarsay, a tributary of the Pskem River which flowed into the lake. Stayed at a hotel on the lake.

3.                We went to a large valley among the Chimgan Range of the Western Tianshan Mountains, looking for the original tulip species. Took a lift to the front mountain of Large Chimgan Mountain, and came back to Tashkent.

4.                Left Tashkent, heading southwest toward the Turkestan Range of the Pamir Plateau. Trekked in Zaamin National Park and camped in the tents in the mountain, at about 2200 m above sea level.

5.                We came down from the mountain and moved to Samarkand. Listened to traditional Samarkand music at dinner.

6.                Sightseeing in Samarkand: the world’s largest Bibi-Khanym Mosque, Siyob Bazaar, Ulugh Beq Observatory, Hills of Afrasiyab, Afrasiyab History Museum (about the Sogdian culture), the Gu-re Amir (Timur’s Mausoleum), Registan Square, and Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis.

7.                We left Samarkand, arriving in Tashkent. Sightseeing at Japanese Tombs, Uzbekistan History Museum, Navoi Opera Theater and Timur Square. Our 21:05 flight was delayed one hour and half in departing.

8.                It took us 8 hours and a half to arrive at 10:00 at Tokyo-Narita Airport.


We bought for souvenir: honey, small salty white cheese balls (called kurt), dried fruits and three loaves of Samarkand naan. (2013.05.24.)






乌兹别克斯坦游记 2013




1. 10:25我们搭乘乌兹别克斯坦航空的航班从东京成田机场起飞,经过首尔,北京,包头,乌鲁木齐的上空,一路上看着戈壁沙漠,天山山脉和塔克拉玛干大沙漠,经过9个小时,我们到了乌兹别克斯坦的首都,塔什干。我们住宿在市内的一家宾馆。

2. 朝着塔什干的西北方向走,在这里Pskem 流入恰瓦克湖。我们在Pskem 河的支流――Aksarsay 河边游览,住在瓦克水库畔的旅馆。

3. 在西天山山脉的Chimgan的峡谷里徒步,寻找郁金香花的原始种子。在Chimgan的前山搭乘缆车,回到了塔什干的旅馆。

4. 向塔什干的西南处的帕米尔高原的土耳其斯坦山脉进发。在扎敏国家公园进行爬山活动。在海拔2200米的帐篷里住宿。

5. 出了扎敏国家公园,向撒马尔罕行进,到了旅馆。晚餐是伴随有传统音伴奏的。

6. 马尔光。世界上最大的比比哈努姆清真寺, Siyob巴刹,兀伯(乌鲁格)天文台,Afrasiyab区,Afrasiyab历史博物馆(栗特人的文明),-艾米尔(帖木墓,列基斯坦广场,沙赫静达陵墓群。

7. 离开撒马尔,回到塔什干。行市内的光,包括日本人墓地,乌兹别克斯坦国立史博物伊歌剧场帖木尔广场21:05分起的航班延了一个半小时终于出了。

8. 经过8个半小,次日10:00到达东京成田国




Pskem 河,普斯凯姆=普斯克木

Aksarsay 河,阿克萨尔塞







ウズベキスタン 2013



1.     1. 10:25発のウズベキスタン航空で成田を発ち、ソウル・北京・包頭・ウルムチの上空を経由して、ゴビ砂漠・天山山脈・タクラマカン砂漠を見下ろしながら9時間で、ウズベキスタンの首都・タシュケントへ到着。市内のホテルで宿泊。

2.     2. タシュケントから北西へ向かい、チャルヴァク湖に流れ込むプスケム川の支流のアクサルサイ川の渓谷でハイキング。チャルヴァク湖畔のホテルで宿泊。

3.     3. 西天山山脈のチムガン山の谷でトレッキングし、チューリップの原種を探し、チムガン山の前山でリフトに乗る。タシュケントのホテルへ戻る。

4.     4. タシュケントの南西にあるパミール高原のトルキスタン山脈方面へ行き、山麓のザーミン国立公園でトレッキングして、海抜2200mの所でテントに宿泊。

5.     5. ザーミン国立公園を出て、サマルカンドへ移動して、ホテルへ。伝統音楽付きの夕食。

6.     6. サマルカンド観光。世界で一番大きなビビハニム・モスク、シヨブ・バザー、ウルグベク天文台跡、アフラシャブの丘、アフラシャブ歴史博物館(ソグド人の文明)、ゲリ・アミール(チムール廟)、レギスタン広場、シャーヒズィンダ廟群。

7.     7. サマルカンドを出て、タシュケントへ帰る。市内観光で、日本人墓地、ウズベキスタン国立歴史博物館、ナヴォイ・オペラ劇場、チムール広場。21:05発の飛行機は1時間半遅れて出発した。

8.     8. 飛行機は8時間半かかって、成田へ10:00に到着。









A Pilgrimage to Israel 2014


In early March, 2014, my wife and I visited Israel and the Palestinian Territories in a group of fourteen people for thirteen days.



West (1): Mediterranean Sea – Caesarea, Haifa and Acre

Day 1: Took a midnight flight from Tokyo Narita Airport, Japan, and arrived at Istanbul Atatürk Airport, Turkey, in twelve hours.

Day 2: Took an early morning flight from Istanbul to arrive at Tel Aviv Ben-Gurion Airport, Israel. By a hired bus, went up north on the Sharon Plain and visited Caesarea National Park, to see the ruins of Caesarea Harbor which Herod the Great had built and where St. Paul set sail to Rome, Roman Amphitheater, and Aqueduct. As it was Saturday, the Jewish people’s Sabbath day, many people came out to the park. Moved on to Haifa, Israel’s third largest city, and stopped at Louis Promenade on Mount Carmel to look down on Baha’i Gardens and the beautiful Haifa Bay. Stayed at the Dan Panorama Hotel.

Day 3. Had a “flower walk” to look for spring flowers on Mount Carmel, where Elijah battled against the priests of the Baal gods, as we learn in the Old Testament of the Bible. As there was little precipitation this winter, there were not many flowers. Went on to Acre to visit the Crusader Citadel, which was used as a jail by the British army to put the supporters of Israel’s independence, as we saw in the American movie “Exodus”.







North: Sea of Galilee

Moved west to the Sea of Galilee region and arrived at Nazareth where we visited the Basilica of Annunciation, where Virgin Mary was told by an angel of her pregnancy by the Holy Spirit, as told in the New Testament of the Bible, and St. Joseph’s Church next door, built at the house Joseph, Jesus’s adoptive father. Stayed at the Rimonim Mineral Hotel, Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, for two nights.

Day 4: Went to Kafr Kana where we visited the Cana Catholic and Greek Orthodox Wedding Churches, which had been built to commemorate the first of Jesus Christ’s miracles, changing water into wine at a wedding ceremony. Had a second flower walking in Arbel Mountain National Park. At a kibbutz on the Sea of Galilee, saw the Ancient Galilee Boat of Jesus’ time, and had lunch of St. Peter’s fish. In Tabgha, visited the Mount of the Beatitudes, Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, and Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. Also visited Capernaum which was the center of Jesus’ mission. Dipped ourselves in the Tiberias Hot Spring.


North: Jezreel Valley and Jericho

Day 5: Left the Sea of Galilee region and went to see Megiddo, the ruins of the town which is the etymology of “Armageddon”, the world’s final battle. Drove past the fertile Jezreel Plain (Valley) and had a third flower walk in Gilboa Mountain, where King Saul and his son, Jonathan, were killed during a battle. Visited Jericho in the Palestinian Territories to see Elisha’s Spring and Tel al-Sultan, the ruins of the world’s oldest town, and to take a cable car to go up to Mount of Temptation, where Jesus was tempted by the devil.




South: Negev Desert: Dead Sea, Eilat and Be’er Sheva

Moved to the Dead Sea region. Visited Qumran, where the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were found. Stayed at the Daniel Dead Sea Hotel, Ein Bokek, for two nights.

Day 6 (Ash Wednesday): Saw Lot’s Wife, a pillar of salt. While having a fourth flower walk in Tel Arad, encountered a Bedouin family tending goats. Took a cable car to go up the Masada fortress, but walked down on the way back. Enjoyed floating in the Dead Sea.

Day 7: Had a fifth flower walk in Yeruham in the Negev Desert. Visited Avdat, the ruins of a Nabataean town. Had lunch under a Bedouin tent. Passed Mitzpe Ramon, a lookout of the large fault which looked like a crater. Moved down south on National Highway 90, along the Israel-Jordan border (Arabah Valley) and arrived in Eilat, the southern tip of Israel, on the Bay of Aqaba. Checked in at the Caesar Premier Hotel and strolled on the seaside of Eilat.

Day 8: After visiting Underwater Observatory Marine Park in Eilat, moved on to Be’er Sheva, Israel’s fourth largest city, located in the Negev Desert, where we saw Abraham’s Well and Tel Be’er Sheva, the ruins of old Be’er Sheva. Had a sixth flower walk in Dimona with little success. Past National Highway 40, entered Jerusalem from National Highway 1, with little traffic because the Sabbath day had begun on Friday evening. Stayed at the Dan Jerusalem Hotel, on the north side of the Old City, for four nights. We could command the view of the Old City and the Dome of the Rock from the balcony of the hotel room.












Central: Jerusalem

Day 9: Visited Scopus Mountain. Then visited Mount of Olives, from where we went on the same way that Jesus spent his last night, down to the Garden of Gethsemane. Went to Mount Zion, where we saw the Room of the Last Supper. Entered the Old City from Jaffa Gate and walked the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which is located in Golgotha (Calvary) where Jesus was crucified.

Day 10: Entered the Old City from Dunk Gate to visit Temple Mount, which was now an entirely Islamic holy site with the Dome on the Rock etc., and the Western Wall, also called the Wailing Wall, outside of Temple Mount. Went then to the western suburb to see the Knesset. After going through the checkpoint, entered the Palestinian Territories to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. Visited the Church of the Nativity and Catherine’s Church next door.

Day 11: Went into the Old City for the third time and had the Western Wall Tunnel Tour. Went to Ein Karem to visit the Church of St. John the Baptist’s Birth. On the way back, stopped at the Israel Museum to see the outdoor model of the Old City, the Shrine of the Book, and Yad Vashem (the Holocaust Museum). My birthday was celebrated two days later on this day because a birthday cake could not be baked due to a Sabbath day, followed by a weekend. My birthday card was written in Japanese, Hebrew and Arabic.

Day 12: Stopped at the Garden Tomb in the north of the Old City, which was for General Charles Gordon of the British Empire and others Golgotha, not the place where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher now stands.







West: Mediterranean Sea (2) - Jaffa and Tel Aviv

Left Jerusalem, and moved west on National Highway 1 toward Tel Aviv, looking on the way at Emmaus where the resurrected Jesus appeared to his believers for the first time. Passed by Ben-Gurion Airport, and arrived in Jaffa, where we saw Jona’s Whale, Simon the Tanner’s House, St. Peter’s Monastery and Jaffa Port; and, in St. Peter’s Church Plaza, looked down on Andromeda’s Rock and Tel Aviv in the distance. Then, moved to Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest city, where we did shopping in the Carmel Market, strolled along Rothschild Avenue to see Bauhaus buildings, and did more shopping on Dizengoff Street. Took a late afternoon flight from Tel Aviv to Istanbul, and a midnight flight in Istanbul.

Day 13: Arrived in Tokyo Narita Airport in the evening, after twelve hours and a half.


It was not only a good outing to look for flowers in early spring, but also an excellent pilgrimage fro us three Christians in the tour group. I was overjoyed to see the sites mentioned in the Bible. I had further understanding of the Palestinian Territories surrounded by walls, and the fight between the minority group called the Orthodox Jews and the non-Orthodox Jewish majority.  (2014.03.12.)








以色列朝圣 2014



















  第七天 ,在 耶如哈姆我们进行了第五次花中漫步,沙漠中盛开着许多爱丽丝花。我们参观了阿伏达特――納巴泰人的古城。在阿拉伯人的帐篷里吃了午餐。穿过米兹佩雷蒙,俯瞰塌陷的大地,宛如沉寂的火山,然后沿着约旦王国的边境的90号国道线南下(亚拉河谷),到达了以色列南端的埃拉特,它面朝亚喀巴湾。在凯撒高级宾馆入住后,我们散步于埃拉特海岸。










  离开了耶路撒冷,从1号国道线向西行进,途中从车里向外望见以马忤斯村落,这是耶稣复活后首次在门徒面前显现的地方。  经过本-古里安国际机场旁边,我们来到雅法。在老城区看到了约拿的鲸鱼雕像,经过了制革人西蒙的家,我们还看了雅法港,我们在圣彼得教会的广场上,俯瞰仙女座的岩石,眺望特拉维夫和其海岸。接着我们向以色列最大的城市――特拉维夫前进,我在迦密市场里买了礼物。行走在罗斯柴尔德大街上,欣赏了包豪斯风格的建筑后,又在迪森高夫街上购物。黄昏的时候,我们从特拉维夫飞往伊斯坦布尔,深夜又飞离伊斯坦布尔。







イスラエル巡礼 2014


































Created by Yoshi Mikami, on May 11, 2012. Updated on Sept. 19, 2014.