Africa - アフリカ


The Contents of Africa




My Friend's Pilgrimage to Egypt 2002


友人のエジプト巡礼 2002

South Africa 2009

During the October 1st vacation, I joined a tour group, arranged by a Beijing travel agency, to visit South Africa for eight days. The itinerary of this tour was:
  1. Flew from Dalian, China, to Beijing, and to Hong Kong. Left Hong Kong at midnight by a Cathay Pacific Airline flight to Johannesburg.
  2. Arrived in Johannesburg in the early morning and visited the Gold Reef City theme park of gold mines, a jewelry store in Pretoria, the Voortrekker Monument (Pioneers’ Monument), Pretoria City Hall Square, the old Mansion of the Governor- General of the Union of South Africa, etc.
  3. Saw wild animals at the Pilanesberg Game Reserve, and visited the Sun City Resort Hotel, etc.
  4. Diamond Supply Company. Flew from Johannesburg Airport to Cape Town Airport
  5. Signal Hill, the Groot Constantia wine estate, souvenir shops in downtown Cape Town
  6. The Cape of Good Hope, a boat trip off Hout Bay to see seals, Boulders Beach to see cape penguins, etc.
  7. Flew from Cape Town to Johannesburg. Left Johannesburg at midnight.
  8. Arrived in Hong Kong in the early morning. From Hong Kong to Beijing, arriving in Dalian in the evening.
It was seven months before the World Cup Soccer Games were to be held in South Africa in June 2010. South Africa in general was a beautiful country, full of rain and greenery. It was also a dangerous country, because, as I was about to go out of the hotel in Johannesburg with a camera on my shoulder to take some pictures, I was warned by the hotel clerk to keep it out of sight. (2009.10.09.)

南アフリカ 2009

  1. 大連〜北京〜香港、深夜に香港〜南アフリカのヨハネスブルグ
  2. 早朝にヨハネスブルグ着、ゴールドリーフ・シティー(金鉱跡のテーマパーク)、プレトリアで宝石商の店、フォールトレッカー開拓者記念館、プレトリア市役所広場、総督府
  3. ピラネスバーグ国立公園、サンシティー・リゾートホテル


  4. ダイヤモンド・サプライ・カンパニー、ヨハネスバーグ空港〜ケープタウン空港
  5. ケープタウンでシグナル・ヒル、グルート・コンスタンチア(ワイナリー)、市内でお土産屋
  6. 喜望峰、ホウト湾(Hout Bay)でオットセイ見学、ボウルダーズ(Boulders)でケープ・ペンギンも見学
  7. 早朝にケープタウン空港〜ヨハネスブルグ空港、深夜に香港へ向け出発
  8. 早朝に香港へ到着、香港〜北京、北京〜夕方に大連
4日目のあさ、ヨハネスブルグでホテルを出て近くで写真を撮ろうとしたら、ホテルの人に「カメラを持って出るのは危ないから置いて行きなさい。」とわれて、カメラをホテルに置いて、散歩だけしてきたので、少し危険な国と感じた。 (2009.10.09.)

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Prepared by Yoshi MIKAMI on October 20, 2009. Last update: May 31, 2014.