Media Kit


To Media People


Included in this page is the information needed for those people in the mass media who are interested in writing articles about this book.  This book was published on February 1, 2013, and is now available at bookstores in Japan and  It is also sold at the foreign bookstores in Dalian, China, such as Yongdong.























Basic Information


Title:         Spring in Dalian

Author:     Yoshi Z. Mikami

Publisher:  Koyo Press, Tokyo, Japan

ISBN      978-4-87662-556-7

Price:        Japanese yen 1,143 plus tax

Book size: 168 x 235 x 180 mm (called 32 Kai in China), 345 pages

Language: Written in English, Chinese and Japanese

(English on the left pages and Chinese/Japanese on the right pages)







书名:  大连之春

编著:  三上吉彦


ISBN  978-4-87662-556-7

定价:   1,143日元和稅

大小:  32开(168 x 235 x 180 mm),345

语言:  英语汉语日语






題名: 大連の春

著者: 三上吉彦


ISBN  978-4-87662-556-7

定価:   1,143円+税=1,200

サイズ: 168 x 235 x 180 mm(中国の「32開」)、345ページ

言語: 英語・中国語・日本語





Target Readers


-       Those who have any relationship with China, such as in business

-      Those who are involved in IT outsourcing to or in China

-       Those who are studying English, Chinese or Japanese, as an intermediate-level reader

-     Those who have experienced or are interested in the development of the IT industry in the latter half of the 20th century

-     Those who live in and/or visit various places in China and the world















1.   ビジネスなどで中国と関係ある方々

2.   中国とのIT外注に関係されている方々

3.   英語、中国語、日本語を学んでいる方々の中級読本

4.   20世紀後半のITの発展を経験されたり、その歴史を学びたい方々

5.   中国内に住んでいる方々、また国外の各地へ旅行をする方々




About the Author

From the book cover

The author was born in 1941 in Tokyo and received his education in Japan, U.S. and China.  He had worked for an IT company (IBM) for 36 years, before he moved in 2001 to Dalian, China, where he has served for Dalian Software Park for 10 years.  His hobby is mountain climbing.  He is the author of three books in Japanese.






本书作者1941年出生于日本,在日本,美国和中国接受教育,并在IBM 工作了36 年。2001年他移居中国大连,在大连软件园工作了10年。他曾合作出版了三本日文专业书籍。










From the back cover

The author has presented in this book his life story: poems, autobiography, work in the computer business, contribution to China’s IT outsourcing industry and travels within and outside of China.  He hopes that his story will be helpful to those who work with China as well as to those younger Chinese people who work with the people outside.  The book is written with the left-side pages in English and the right-side pages in Chinese and Japanese, for enjoyment in any of these languages.












著者はこの本に彼のこれまでの生活の模様、すなわち詩、自伝、コン ピューター産業での仕事、中国のアウトソーシング・ビジネスへの貢献、中国内・国外旅行について書いている。この本が中国と関係する世界の人々に、また中国で国外の人々と働く特に若い人々に役に立てば幸いである。本の左ページは英語、右ページは中国語・日本語で書いてあり、これらどの言葉でも読んで楽しめるようになっている。


Examples of Introducing This Book


1.     Short Version

The author, who was born in Tokyo just before the end of World War II and received postwar education, worked for a computer company, experiencing each stage of the growth of the IT industry in the second half of the 20th century in Japan, U.S. and in Taiwan, and, after retirement, served in Dalian, China, for development of the IT outsourcing industry.  He then describes his life in Dalian, and trips in China and the rest of the world.  Together with the twelve poems included, this trilingual English/Chinese/Japanese book is a good intermediate-level reader for those who learn any of these languages as well as an enjoyable book for anybody.

2.     Longer Version


3.     Longest Version










1.    短い紹介


2.    中位の紹介



3.    長い紹介

二十世紀の後半はコンピュータ産業の発展の時代で、筆者は本書の前半でこの時代の経験を書いている。IBM の大型電算機System/360の出荷が始まった年にコンピュータ会社で働き始め、横浜と神戸営業所で製鉄所の情報システム構築の実地教育を受けて、社命で米国鉄鋼業の中心地・ピッツバーグで大学院で学んだ(MBA)。








The Author Is Quoted As Saying:


-       The title of the book “Spring in Dalian” comes from the title of the first poem included in this book.  We, Dalianites, spend a long winter from December to March, so we long for the first sign of spring in April, the flowering of winter jasmine, called “welcome spring flower” in Chinese, which is portrayed in the cover of this book.  See also: David Hyp’sWinter jasmine in Dalian”.


-       As this book had originally been planned to be published in China, it was edited in accordance with the current PRC publication guidelines, such as Taiwan is always “Taiwan, China” in the Chinese text part. Although it was later changed to be published in Japan, I left such editing unchanged in anticipation of the book to be sold in China.


-       I am surprised to find in Dalian, China, so many young Chinese people who work in the IT outsourcing business, using Japanese, and at the same time can speak English because they work for American or European companies’ subsidiaries. For these people who can handle these three languages I have written this book.  The Rosetta Stone (on display at the British Museum), believed to have been made in ca. 200 BC, is a famous example of three language documentation, but, except the commentary books of the Bible or the Analects, we have not tried such an endeavor for a long time.


-       I had college education in Japan, graduate education in U.S. and Chinese language training in the universities in China.  I tried to compare the education systems in these three countries. 


-       I am an old timer who graduated from the university and started to work in the IT field in 1965.  I first used the unit record system of punched cards, and then moved to centralized processing with the announcement of IBM System/360.  I was next involved in developing computer terminals for remote processing and then in distributed processing, followed by minicomputer (with the IBM Series/1 in my case) and local area network, connecting personal computers.  We moved from the emphasis of hardware to software and then finally to the Internet age, connection everything.  I have described such transition in this book.


-       Since 2001 I have been involved in welcoming IT outsourcing in China and tried to best describe my experience in this important field.


-       See also my travelogues because I have traveled rather widely in and outside China. 









- 「大連の春」という題は、この本の冒頭にある同名の詩から取りました。我々大連人は長い冬(12月~4月)を終って4月に「迎春花」(日本語名:黄梅=おうばい、これは表紙にもある黄色の花で日本人はレンギョウに似ているのでそうとも呼ぶ)が咲くのを心待ちにしています。私と同じような考えの人が、例えば「大連だより、春が来た」に書いています。



- この本は初め中国での出版が計画されたので、中国での出版規制の則り台湾は必ず「中国台湾」、香港は必ず「中国香港」と書く、上海・安徽省・江蘇省と山西省は「地球の歩き方・中国」にあるようにそれぞれ華中地方(中国中部)と華北地方(中国北部)でなく華東地方(中国東部)と華中地方にある(これはむしろダイヤモンド・ビッグ社を信用した私の大間違い)、などを直しましたが、中国での販売を予想してこうした直しはそのままにしてあり、また政治的なことはすべて避けて書いてあります。


- 中国・大連にはITアウトソーシング業界で日本語を使い、また欧米企業の子会社なので英語も使える若い中国人が多いのは驚くべきことです。こうした英中日3か国語をあやつる方々のためにも、この本を書きました。3か国語で書いたものは紀元前200年ごろ作られたエジプトの「ロゼッタ・ストーン」(大英博物館所蔵)が有名ですが、聖書論語の注釈書などは別として、同時代の物語としては人類が長らく作らなかったものです。


- 教育について、私は大学教育を日本で、大学院教育を米国で、語学トレーニングは中国の大学で受けました。3か国の教育に関して、私の経験も書きました。


- 私は1965年に大学を出てコンピュータ会社で働きだした古い人間です。パンチカード・システムからSystem/360の発表で中央処理システムの全盛時代を迎え、次に端末機の開発で遠隔処理時代、後に分散処理時代を迎え、ミニコンピュータの時代からパソコンをLANでつなげて、同時にハードウェア重視からソフトウェア重視になり、ついにインターネットですべてをつなぐ時代の各ステージを過ごしてきたので、そうした変遷もこの本で書きました。


- 2001年から中国でIT外注業務たずさわる世界の企業の誘致に関係してきたので、現代のこの重要な産業についても詳述しました。


- 中国内外をいろいろと旅行しましたから、私の中国内・国外旅行記も見てください。



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Created by Yoshi Mikami, on January 24, 2013. Updated on Nov. 12, 2013.