The Bible Reading in English
at Yamate Seikokai Church, Yokohama

The Start of the English part. Go down to the Japanese part.

The Old Testament:
The Jewish Tradition

  1. Sunday, Sept. 02, 2001, at 13:30-15:00:
    The Creation of the World; Adam and Eve; and Abraham and His Faith
    (Genesis 1:1 - 22:19) & The Table of Contents of the Old Testament

  2. Sunday, Oct. 07, at 13:30-15:00:
    Joseph in Egypt, Moses and the Ten Commandments
    (Genesis 41:15 - 36; Exodus 14:15 - 31; 20:1 - 21 ) & the Map of the Ancient World

  3. Sunnday, Nov. 04, at 13:30-15:00:
    The Days of the Kings: Saul, David and Solomon
    (Leviticus 25:1 - 17; 1 Samuel 8:1 - 19 & 17:41 - 57; and 1 Kings 3:1 - 28 & 10:1 - 10)

  4. Sunday, Dec. 02, at 13:30-15:00:
    The Babylonian Captivity and Prophet Isaiah
    (2 Chronicles 36:11 - 23; Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12; Psalm 137; and Ezra 1:1 - 7)

  5. Sunday, Jan. 06, 2002, at 13:30-15:00:
    The Other Holy Books
    (Psalm 46, Job 1:1- 2:13 and Sirach 31:12 - 31)

Yokohama Yamete Seikokai | Japan Bible Society | The United Bible Societies

The End of the English part


The Start of the Japanese part. Go up to the English part.


  1. 2001年09月02日(日)13:30 - 15:00:
    (創世記 1:1 - 22:19) & 旧約聖書の目次

  2. 10月07日(日)13:30 - 15:00:
    (創世記 41:15 - 36; 出エジプト記 14:15 - 31; 20:1 - 21) & 地図「古代の世界」

  3. 11月04日(日)13:30 - 15:00:
    (レビ記 25:1 - 17; サムエル記上 8:1 - 19 & 17:41 - 57; 列王記 3:1 - 28 & 10:1 - 10)

  4. 12日02日(日)13:30 - 15:00:
    バビロン捕囚と預言者イザヤ (歴代史 36:11 - 23; イザヤ書 52:13 - 53:12; 詩篇 137; エズラ記 1:1 - 7)

  5. 2002年01月06日(日)13:30 - 15:00:
    (詩編 46、ヨブ記 1:1 - 2:13、シラ書 31:12 - 31)

横浜山手聖公会 | 日本聖書協会 | The United Bible Societies

The End of the Japanese part. Go up to the English part.

Prepared by Yoshi MIKAMI, Fujisawa, Japan, on Aug. 2, 2001. Last update on Aug. 2, 2001.