The Bible Reading in English
at Yamate Seikokai Church, Yokohama

The Start of the English part. Go down to the Japanese part.

The New Testament:
Paul's Four Missionary Journeys

  1. Sunday, April 1. 2001
    Paul's First Missionary Journey
    Acts 13:1 - 14:26 and Paul's Letter to the Galatians

  2. Sunday, May 6, 2001
    Paul's Second Missionary Journey
    Acts 15:36 - 18:22 and Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians

  3. Sunday, June 3, 2001
    Paul's Third Missionary Journey
    Acts 18:23 - 21:15 and Paul's Letter to the Ephesians

  4. Sunday, July 1, 2001
    Paul's Fourth Missionary Journey
    Acts 27:3 - 28:15 and Paul's Letter to the Romans

In 2001, Lent starts on Wednesday, February 28 (Ash Wednesday); Easter is on April 15; and Pentecost on June 3.

The Plan for October, 2001, to March, 2002:

The Old Testament - The Jewish Tradition
1. The Creation of the World; Adam and Eve; and Abraham and His Faith
2. Joseph in Egypt, Moses and the Ten Commandments
3. The Days of the Kings: David and Solomon
4. The Babylonian Captivity and the Prophets
5. The Psalms, Job and the Wisdom of Solomon

In the past:

Sunday Worship at the Yamate Seikokai Church, Yokohama:
Every Sunday, at 08:00
Every Sunday, except the fifth Sunday, at 10:45
Fifth Sunday of the Month, at 10:30, together with
the English Congregation (Christ Church)
Morning Prayer:
Tuesday through Saturday, at 08:30 (Holy Eucharist on Wednesday)
Evening Prayer:
Tuesday through Sunday, at 17:00
Address: 234 Yamate-cho, Yokohama-shi 231-0862
(diagonally across from the Yokohama Foreign Cemetery)
Phone: 045-622-0228 FAX: 045-622-7808

TOP OF PAGE | Japan Bible Society | The United Bible Societies

The End of the English part


The Start of the Japanese part. Go up to the English part.

新約聖書 - 聖パウロの4回にわたる宣教旅行

  1. 2001年4月1日(日)
    使徒言行録 13:1 - 14:26 & パウロのガラテアの信徒への手紙

  2. 5月6日(日)
    使徒言行録 15:36 - 18:22 & パウロのコリントの信徒への手紙1

  3. 6月3日(日)
    使徒言行録 18:23 - 21:15 & パウロのエペソの信徒への手紙

  4. 7月1日(日)
    使徒言行録 27:3 - 28:15 & パウロのローマの信徒への手紙


旧約聖書 - ユダヤ教の伝統
1. 天地の創造、アダムとエバ、アブラハムと彼の信仰
2. エジプトのヨセフ、モーセ、十戒
3. ダビデ王とソロモン王
4. ハビロン捕囚、預言者たち
5. 詩編、ヨブ記、知恵の書


08:00 毎日曜日
10:45 毎日曜日(第5日曜日を除く)
10:30 第5日曜日 英語会衆(Christ Church)と合同礼拝
08:30 火〜土(水曜日は聖餐式)
17:00 火〜日
住所:〒231-0862 横浜市山手町234(外人墓地の斜め向かい)
電話:045-622-0228 FAX:045-622-7808

ページのトップ | 日本聖書協会 | The United Bible Societies

The End of the Japanese part. Go up to the English part.

Prepared by Yoshi MIKAMI, Fujisawa, Japan, on March 11, 2001. Last update on Match 11, 2001.