Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil
(Congregação Japonesa=Culto em lingua Japonesa)

The Start of the Portuguese Part.
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Japanese Part or English Part.

No Estado de São Paulo:

  1. Paróquia de S. João, São Paulo
    Domingo às 9h
  2. Paróquia da Santa Cruz, São Paulo
    Domingo às 10h30
  3. Paróquia de Ressurreição, São Paulo
    Domingo às 9h
  4. Paróquia de S. André, Perreira Barreto
    Domingo às 11h
  5. Paróquia de S. Estevão, Araçatuba
    Domingo às 14h
  6. Missão de Ascensão, Guaimbe
    Domingo às 20h

No Estado de Paraná:

  1. Paróquia de S. Tiago, Curitiba
    Quartos e Quintos Domingos às 14h
  2. Paróquia de S. Lucas, Londrina
    Quinto Domingo às 14h

Referência: O Brasil e Shinshu (em japonês e inglês)

Cima da página | Outras paróquias episcopales japonêsas | Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil

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the Portuguese Part or down to the English Part.

上のポルトガル語部分はブラウザーの設定を、表示/文字コードセット/欧米(ISO 8859-1)



特にサンパウロ市内では日本語礼拝が毎日曜日3教会で行われています。旅でサンパウロをお訪ねの際には是非ご訪問下さり、少数化している会衆を間安頂ければきっと喜ばれることと思います。E−mail(revito@nethall.com.br)でご連絡下されば最寄の教会をご連絡いたします。(伊東 宏 1999.07.24.)


  1. サンパウロ・聖ヨハネ教会
    毎日曜日  午前9時
  2. サンパウロ・聖十字教会
    毎日曜日  午前10時半
  3. サンパウロ・復活教会
    毎日曜日  午前9時
  4. ペレイラ・バッレト・聖アンデレ教会
    毎日曜日  午前11時
  5. アラサツーバ・聖ステパノ教会
    毎日曜日  午後2時
  6. グアインベ・昇天伝道所
    毎日曜日  午後8時


  1. クリチーバ・聖ヤコブ教会
    毎月第四および第五日曜日 午後2時
  2. ロンドリーナ・聖ルカ教会
    毎月第五日曜日 午後2時


ページのトップへ | 他の日本語聖公会教会 | ブラジル聖公会

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The End of the Japanese Part

The Anglican-Episcopal Church of Brazil
(Japanese Congregations & Worships in Japanese)

The Start of the English Part.
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the Portuguese Part or the Japanese Part.

In the State of Sao Paulo, Anglican-Episcopal worship in Japanese is observed at the following six churches:

  1. St. John's Church (Paroquia de S. Joao), Sao Paulo
    Sunday at 9:00
  2. Holy Cross Church (Paroquia da Santa Cruz), Sao Paulo
    Sunday at 10:30
  3. Church of Resurrection (Paroquia de Ressurreicao), Sao Paulo
    Sunday at 9:00
  4. St. Andrew's Church (Paroquia de S. Andre), Perreira Barreto
    Sunday at 11:00
  5. St. Stephen's Church (Paroquia de S. Estevao), Aracatuba
    Sunday at 14:00
  6. Ascension Missionary Station (Missao de Ascensao), Guaimbe
    Sunday at 20:00

In the Sate of Parana, Anglican-Episcopal worship in Japanese is observed at the following two churches:

  1. St. Jacob's Church (Paroquia de S. Tiago), Curitiba
    4th & 5th Sundays at 14:00
  2. St. Luke's Church (Paroquia de S. Lucas), Londrina
    5th Sunday at 14:00

Reference: Brazil and Shinshu (in Japanese and English)

TOP OF PAGE | Other Japanese Episcopal Churches | The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil

Go up to the Portuguese Part or to the Japanese Part.

The End of the English Part.

Prepared by Hiroshi Ito of Holy Cross Church, San Paulo, with assistance from Yoshi Mikami of Holy Savior's Church, Nagano, and of the Nakamaro Society, Yokohama, on July 21, 1999. Last update on Nov. 26, 1999.