What Is Mookini Heiau?




A Sacred Place in the Big Island of Hawaii


Mookini Heiau is a sacred place of the native Hawaiians, located in the Big Island of Hawaii, U.S.A. It is so called because it was built by Kuomo Mookini.


What’s a Heiau?


The Hawaiians originally believed in a nature worship religion. They had come from the southern Polynesian islands, bringing the religion from there. It was a polytheistic religion. The places where they especially built for worshipping their gods were called heiaus.


Which Gods Are You Talking About?


There were many gods. If you have been to Hawaii, you’ve surely heard about Pele, the goddess of volcano, and Hina, the moon goddess. There were four major gods: Ku, the male symbol; Lono, the god of farming, Kane, the god of life; and Kanaloa, the god of sea. You can check for details with the “Hawaiian Religion” in Wikipedia.


Did They Really Believe in This Kind of Religion?


Yes, they did. Their society was made up of people divided into four classes: the nobility, priests, common people and slaves. There were many taboos based on their religion, which they kept strictly in their life. For example, women did not eat together with men.


To worship their gods, they built a sacred place surrounded by stone walls. The nobility and priests worshiped there, but sometimes the common people also participated.


The Hawaiian New Year, called “Makahiki”, began when the Pleiades became seen rising in the eastern horizon right after sunset, and continued four months, during which period the people didn’t have to work and played together, wars strictly prohibited. Usually Ku was in control of the society, but Lono was in control during these four months.


That’s Beyond My Imagination…


I’ll show you two examples. The first European who stepped into this society  was Captain James Cook in 1779. He came to Kealakekua Bay of Hawaii Island, where there was a big heiau dedicated to Lono, when they were celebrating the New Year, with the custom of having a big sheet of white cloth hanging down from a tree structure. Cook who sailed in a group of ships with big white sails was mistaken for Lono, and was welcomed with great hospitality. He soon sailed out, but came back after his ship had to be repaired. It was past Makahiki, and Cook was slain in a turmoil during a struggle to get back some stolen items.


Kamehameha, who soon after in 1810 unified the Hawaiian Islands, believed in Kukaliimoku, a kind of the war god, Ku. He built a heiau dedicated to Ku called Puukohola Heiau near Kawaihae on Hawaii Island. It is now a National Historic Landmark.


The Hawaiian Of Course Do Not Believe in This Religion, Do They?


They don’t. When Kamehameha the Great died in 1819, Queen Kaahumanu, his wife, took control of his Kingdom, as their son was young, and abolished the taboos, breaking first the taboo of prohibiting women from eating with men. She also invited Christian missionaries, and within fifty years, the Hawaiians were all converted to Christianity


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Created on April 26, 2017. Updated at 10:00 am on September 1, 2017