What’s the Status of Mookini Heiau Now?



Kamehameha Birthplace カメハメハの誕生地



What’s Going On at Mookini Heiau Now?


At Mookini Heiau there is a sacred area surrounded by stone walls, which looks like a rectangle when seen from above. The walls are surrounded by a lawn. At a short distance from the heiau is Kamehameha the Great birthplace, which is surrounded by double stone walls that looks like a square when seen from above.


The heiau is located in Hawaii Island’s northwest corner, on a grassy plain that goes does down to the ocean. Across the sea is Maui Island, and, during the winter, whales from the Behring Sea gather here to bring up their baby whales, so you can enjoy this gorgeous view with whales spouting.




By car, you’ll go north on Upolu Airport Road, past the wind mill, till you reach the entrance to Upolu Airport. Here you’ll turn left and drive a dirt road and find the heiau on the left, and, soon after, the Kamehameha birthplace.


Town of Hawi


Kamehameha’s statue is in Kapaau, but Hawi is a larger town with restaurants, coffee shops, and an art shop. You’ll feel you’ve come to a town of the 1920s or 1930s. From Waimea on the way from Kona to Hilo, you’ll have to go over the Kohala Mountains.


Is There a Kahuna at Mookini Heiau?


Momi Praying with the Children Before the Alter

Mookini Heiau is unique in the sense that there is a kahuna (priest). The current kahuna is Momi Mookini Lum. She is in an advanced age, but very active in everything. She has designated her granddaughter as the next kahuna.


Momi was born on April 29, 1926, and studied at McKinley High School, graduating from University of Hawaii in 1950. She became Hawaii’s first policewoman in the same year and received a Master of Police Administration degree from University of Southern California in 1955. She retired from the Honolulu Police Department in 1982, and has since dedicated herself to her responsibility as Kahuna Nui of the Mookini Heiau.


What Is the Kahuna Thinking Now?


Momi would like this heiau be a place to learn the Hawaiian culture. In that sense, she would welcome the hula dancers of the world to come there, etc.


I Heard That There Is an Annual Children’s Gathering…


Every year on November 20, the World Children’s Day, Momi has invited children of Hawaii Island to learn the Hawaiian culture. She would like to continue this tradition


Momi has published an interesting book for the children: “The Legend of Kuamoo Mookini, and the Hamamu, the Giant Whale“, which is still available from Amazon.com. In this book, she describes how Kuamoo Mookini could converse with the Nature as well as other people, sat on the Giant Whale’s head to reach Hawaii Island. Seeing it’s a good place to live, he returned to his native region and this time sat on a double-hulled canoe to come to Hawaii again, and created a heiau dedicated to his god.



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このヘイアウには珍しいことに、代々続いたカフナ(神官)がいます。現在のカフナは、モミ・モオキニ・ラム(Lomi Mo’okini Lum)さんです。ご高齢ですが、元気な方で、次代はお孫さんを指定されたようです。












モミさんは子供たちのために、面白い本を書きました。「The Legend of Kuamoo Mookini and Hamumu, the Giant Whale」(Bishop Museum, 2004)で、今でもAmazon.comで売っています。この中でクアモオさんが他の人々や自然の様々なものと会話ができる人で、巨大なクジラの頭に乗ってハワイ島へ来て、ここがいい島であることを見て、故郷へ帰り双胴のカヌーで再び来島して、ここに彼の神へ捧げるモオキニ・ヘイアウを作ったという、楽しい物語です。





   Lonely Planet, Hawaii” (Melbourne: Lonely Planet)

   Wikipedia: “Hawaiian Religion  & “Mookini Heiau

   Allan Seiden, “Mo’okini Luakini Heiau” (Mo’okini Luakini, Inc., 2014)

   Leimomi Mo’okini Lum, “The Ledgend of Kuamo’o Mo’okini and Hamumu, the Great Whale” (Bishop Museum Press, 2004)




   ウィキペディア;「ハワイ神話 & モオキニ・ヘイアウ

   Allan Seiden, “Mo’okini Luakini Heiau” (Mo’okini Luakini, Inc., 2014)

   Leimomi Mo’okini Lum, “The Ledgend of Kuamo’o Mo’okini and Hamumu, the Great Whale” (Bishop Museum Press, 2004)



Created on April 26, 2017. Updated at 10:00 am on September 1, 2017