School of Japanese Studies, DLUFL

International Exchange and Cooperation

School of Japanese Studies emphasizes international exchange and cooperation and is famous for this emphasis. Recently, it has had exchange programs with Waseda University, Kitakyushu University, Hokusei Gakuen University, and Nagano University, and others, by mutualy sending the teaching staff and students. research materials. It also invites Japanese teachers to its campus, thus contributing to the openness, internationalization and cooperation.

Japanese Universities with which the School of Japanese Studies Has Had Exchanges

University Name Time Exchange Contents
Hokusei Gakuen University 1986 Exchange of teachers and students
Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's College 1986 Exchange of teachers
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies 1986 Exchange of students
Kitakyushu University 1989 Exchange of teachers
Takushoku University 1995 Receiving students to learn Chinese
Okayama Shoka University 1996 Exchange of teachers
Waseda University 1996 Academic exchange and receiving students to learn Chinese
Toyo University 1996 Receiving students to learn Chinese
Kyushu Kyoritsu University 1998 Exchange of students with credit transfer
Kyushu Women's University 1998 Exchange of student visits
Gifu Seitoku Gakuen University 2000 Receiving students with credit transfer
Ehime Women's Junior Colege 2000 Exchange of students
Nagano University 2001 Exchange of teachers


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Copyright © 2001 Dalian University of Foreign Languages
Created on Sept. 5, 2001. Last update on Sept. 8, 2001.